In this episode we’ll explore the anatomy of firstly a neutron star and then the collision of two neutron stars, a kilonova. In doing so we’ll find the answer to one of the single most fundamental questions in cosmology. Why is the universe both homogenous and isotropic?
In beginning I want to make a prediction based upon my preposed Big Bang Kilonova Hypothesis. That prediction being that the James Webb telescope is going to find spiral shaped galaxy formations dating all the way back to the time of the last scattering and recombination of the now cosmic microwave sky; some 300,000 years after the Big Bang itself. We are going to find the dark age of cosmology is not so dark as the Lambda-CDM model would have us believe. [1][4]
One of the most famous pictures taken by the Hubble space telescope was the Hubble Ultra Deep Field image which captured the light from the most distant and earliest galaxies we have seen to date. The smallest, reddest galaxies, about 100 of them in this image, come from a time when the universe itself was only 800 million years old. Meaning, when the photons of light emitted from these galaxies began their journey across the intergalactic expanse of the universe; the universe itself was only 800 million years old. Or rather, only 800 million years had past since the time of the Big Bang event itself. [2][3]
Because the very fabric of spacetime inside our universe is constantly expanding the wavelength of these photons are themselves also being expanded; getting longer and longer. The more time a photon spends on its journey through the intergalactic void the greater the wavelength of that photon becomes. So a photon originally emitted in the ultra-violet end of the spectrum expands becoming violent; then blue; becoming green, yellow and then red. We say the photon is redshifted to the red end up the spectrum. Hence this is the reason why the colour of the earliest galaxies are red because the wavelength of the photons from those galaxies, which have travelled for nearly 13 billion years before hitting Hubble’s primary mirror, have expanded such that they are now in the red end of the spectrum.
$$ z = \frac{ \lambda _{obsv} - \lambda _{emit}}{\lambda _{emit}} \phantom{xxxxxxxxx}(1) $$
Known as redshift, and denoted by \(z\), the amount a given photon is stretched is defined as the ratio given in equation (1) where \(\lambda _{obsv}\) is the wavelength of the observed photon and \(\lambda _{emit}\) is the wavelength of the photon when it was first emitted. Cosmologists have over time developed the Cosmic Distance Ladder which relates the measured redshift from a given galaxy to both how far that galaxy is from us both in space and time. The bottom line here being that light emitted by galaxies in the very early universe would have become so stretched over time that they are now only visible in the red and the invisible infra-red part of the electromagnetic spectrum. [5]
The James Webb telescope was designed and built specifically to view the red and infra-red part of the spectrum in order to see these very early galaxies whose light is so stretched, by the expansion of the universe, that it is now invisible to the human eye; being in the infra-red.
When stretched further infra-red light becomes redshifted to the microwave wavelength of the electromagnetic spectrum. The Big Bang Theory arises from the observation that an ever expanding universe must have, at some point in this distant past, been a much smaller, hotter and denser place; effectively contained as a single ball of plasma. It was only when the universe had cooled down sufficiently, such that electrons could bind with protons creating the first hydrogen atoms some 300,000 years after the Big Bang itself, did the universe go from being opaque into becoming translucent. As the universe became translucent it was only then that the light emitted within the ball of plasma, that was our entire universe, begin its journey across the expanse of an ever expanding universe.
Given this the prediction was made that if true we would expect the universe to be bathed entirely in the radiation from the time when the universe was a single hot ball of plasma. Because the universe is expanding the light emitted from this time would have been stretched so much that it is only visible in the microwave wavelength. This the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation when first detected by Wilson and Penzias showed cosmologists that our universe was in fact born in the event known as the Big Bang.
How and why this came to be in the first place can only be understood in understanding the true nature of the Philosopher’s Stone; a kilonova. Meaning a kilonova, the merger of two-neutron stars, is one of the few places in the universe where atoms of gold are formed and scattered out into the universe; and it is from this observation that I derive my first prediction. However alchemy, the pre-cursor to chemistry, long sought after the ancient alchemical substance that turns base matter into gold; the mythical Philosopher’s Stone. Issac Newton himself spent his life in pursuit of the Philosopher’s Stone. Nature having imbued all life, a fractal mirror, of creation. [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]

The same pattern of central axioms connected by filaments is seen both in the neural network of the brain, on the left, and the cosmic web, on the right. A. Left: Hippocampal mouse neuron studded with synaptic connections (yellow). The green central cell body is 10µm in diameter. B. Right: Cosmic web with a scale of 31.25 Mpc/h. (Springel et al., 2005) [11] [12] [13]
Fractal geometry is the cosmological principle and thus self-similar patterns repeat themselves irrespective of scale. A kilonova inside our universe arises from the merger of two-neutron stars. In my Big Bang Kilonova model I begin my description in describing the merger of two-neutron stars of the Superverse. Thus in order to describe a neutron star of the Superverse I look to the description physics has given us of a neutron star inside our own universe following the law of self-similarity and scale invariance.
In order to understand how precious elements like silver, gold and platinum are actually formed inside a kilonova event we must first understand the structure of that which causes a kilonova event. Namely, a neutron star. However before I can describe a neutron star we need to understand the alchemical nature of neutrons themselves.
A neutron embedded inside a stable atomic nucleus is itself a stable particle. Outside the atomic nucleus, or in an unstable atomic nucleus, the neutron will decay into a proton releasing an electron and a neutrino in the process. The half-life of a free neutron is around 14 seconds. Known as beta-decay of a neutron we can see the alchemical transmutation of this reaction in the radioactive decay of unstable radioactive isotopes.
For example, the isotope technetium-99 has an unstable atomic nucleus with 43 protons and 56 neutrons; it has one too many neutrons. A neutron in the nucleus undergoes beta-decay releasing an electron and neutrino with the neutron transforming into a proton. The atomic nucleus now has 44 protons and 55 neutrons; meaning the atom of technetium has transmuted into the element ruthenium. The element ruthenium being defined as having an atomic nucleus with 44 protons. So in talking about the alchemical nature of neutrons I am being very literal. [14]
The inverse reaction to beta-decay of a neutron is called neutron capture. With neutron capture an electron is fused with a proton such that it turns into a neutron. As we’ll see, the density and pressures within a neutron star give rise to such conditions that electrons are forced into being fused with protons turning them into neutrons in the process.
The other alchemical process which is of the greatest import in how a kilonova explosion can create gold is by a process called rapid neutron capture; otherwise known as the r-process. The “r” in r-process standing for rapid, as in rapid neutron capture. There is probably not a soul on the planet who is unaware of the applicational use of the rapid neutron capture process; the r-process. Even if you’ve probably never heard the term. The applicational use is in effect the atomic bomb such as those used in 1945 on the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki; ending the Second World War. [15]
Fission inside an atomic warhead is the rapid neutron capture process in full effect. The warhead is composed of the isotope Uranium-235. The atomic nucleus of uranium-235 when hit with a free neutron becomes unstable and the atomic nuclei splits into krypton-92 and barium-141. But in addition the splitting of the uranium-236 nuclei releases three free neutrons at very high speeds. These three neutrons in turn collide with three more atomic nuclei of uranium-235 which in turn splits releasing nine free neutrons in the process. These nine neutrons collide with nine more uranium-235 nuclei which split releasing 27 free neutrons. 27 becomes 81; 81 becomes 243; 243 becomes 729 and so on tripling the number of neutrons each time. This chain reaction runs out of control and the conversion of atomic mass into energy, as described by Einstein’s most famous equation \(E=mc^2\), is released creating the nuclear explosion.
It is the production of free neutrons, in a chain reaction, which in turn slam into other atomic nuclei that in turn splits producing even more free neutrons which is the rapid neutron capture process; or r-process. This process of rapid neutron capture is effectively responsible for the creation of all elements heavier than iron.
The reason is that the fusion of all elements lighter than iron all release energy. So when a star comes to the end of its life, having fused all lighter elements into heavier ones, then when iron is fused it consumes energy; as opposed to releasing it. This consumption of energy causes a star’s core to collapse in on itself triggering a core-collapse supernova. The fusion of iron inside the collapsing core creates an environment rich in free neutrons that in turn are absorbed by the surrounding atomic nuclei. It is the absorption of these free neutrons coupled with the fusion of heavier atomic nuclei in the milliseconds, of the collapsing core, that was thought to be the forge in which all elements heavier than iron came into being.
I say thought, in the past tense, as advances in particle physics has shown that heavier elements are not only forged inside supernovae and hypernovae. Silver, gold and platinum have also been shown to come from the r-process in the heart of a kilonova; the true philosopher’s stone. But before we can get there we need to understand the structure and anatomy of that other product which is born in the heart of a hypernova; that being a neutron star.
In truth there is much debate and speculation about the nature of matter inside a neutron star. Born from the core-collapse of a hypernova the state of matter inside a neutron star is described as being a form of matter known as a degenerate form of matter composed primarily of neutrons. Degenerate matter is effectively a form of matter where every bit of space within the volume of a neutron star is occupied by a neutron.
Degenerate matter arises from Pauli’s exclusion principle which states that no two fermions, particles with a half-integer spin, can occupy the same quantum state. Electrons, protons and neutrons are all fermions whose spin is a half-integer. As a given neutron within the star decays the resultant electron is unable to find an unoccupied quantum state and thus the neutron is unable to decay.
Atoms, as we know them, are mostly filled with empty space. The amount of space occupied by the atomic particles in an atom of hydrogen, containing a proton and an electron, is only one billionth of the total volume. The other 99.999,999,999,999,6% of the volume of the hydrogen atom is totally unoccupied free space. So when we talk about degenerate forms of matter we are talking about matter whose every bit of volume has been packed with particles. A teaspoon of electron degenerate matter, such as that found in a white dwarf, would weigh around 5 tonnes. Even heavier, a teaspoon of neutron degenerate matter, such as that found in a neutron star, would weigh 5 billion tonnes. The weight of Mount Everest inside a single cube of sugar. [16]
Probably the most basic description of a neutron star would be to describe it as being like a crystal lattice structure where every position on the crystal lattice is occupied by a neutron. Crystal lattice structures in nature such as table salt or quartz form cubic or hexagonal lattice structures. Each atom in the crystal lattice is bound to another through an electron covalent bond. As the geometry of a crystal lattice structure is one of the most efficient arrangements by which to order the packing of neutrons such that there is minimal redundant free space is what gives rise to this very basic description of a neutron star.
As the mass-energy density of any given neutron in the universe is the same, each being \(939.6MeV/c^2\), then each neutron inside a given neutron star also has the same mass-energy density. Given the regular geometric shape of a crystallised lattice we have in effect a perfectly homogeneous material where each neutron in said lattice has the exact same quantity of mass. In other words, the neutron star can be viewed as a compact astrophysical body composed of a perfectly homogenous form of matter.
The other equally important thing to note about a crystal lattice structure is that it has the same repeating unit pattern of geometry in all places; regardless of direction. For example, a tetrahedron is a pyramid whose 4 faces are each composed of 4 equilateral triangles. With the tetrahedron as our basic repeating unit we can build a crystal lattice known as a tetrahedral-octahedral honeycomb. Another example, is a cube whose 6 faces are a regular square. The crystal lattice formed is called a cubic crystal system. Or to give its other name an isometric crystal system.

An elementary description of a neutron star would be to describe it as a giant atomic nucleus measuring 10-12 km in diameter. Or as Georges Lemaître, the father of the Big Bang theory, called it "The Primeval Atom". Arranged as a repeating crystal lattice and composed of neutrons the matter inside a neutron star can be described as the most perfectly homogenous and isotropic form of matter. Each neutron being identical with the other. In presenting a kilonova, the binary merger of two neutron stars, as the causal mechanism for the Big Bang I am effectively resurrecting the idea Lemaître initially proposed before the steady-state cosmologist Fred Hoyle coined the term "Big Bang".
Effectively, the matter inside a neutron star can be described as the most perfectly homogenous and isotropic form of matter. In applying the causation of the Big Bang being due to a kilonova event inside the Superverse we immediately answer one of the most fundamental questions in physics. Namely, why is the universe homogenous and isotropic? Or mostly isotropic, as we’ll get onto the large scale anisotropies later.
The alternative however, the Lambda-CDM model, states that as its cosmological principle the universe is both homogenous and isotropic. It doesn’t even attempt to answer this question but rather assumes it. Since figuring this out I’ve gone on and developed a certain kind of dance that I call the “winner’s boogie” in being able to answer this single most fundamental question in all of physics and we haven’t even got to talking about mass cooper pairs. Which in fact we need to talk about because they give rise to the generation of the neutron star’s colossal magnetic field.
From a symbolical point of view: a neutron star can be described as a spherical body with a surface and like any other astrophysical body it has a core. This core, as we’ll discuss, is distinct from the crystallised crust and mantle. The crystallised crust are represented in the Platonic shapes: a triangle for a tetrahedral lattice and square for an isometric cubic crystal lattice. Together they form the alchemical symbol of the Philosopher’s Stone.
Describing a neutron star as a uniform crystal lattice does as a beginning. But we really need a more detailed description in order to understand the initial conditions that gave rise to the Big Bang Kilonova itself. A much more accurate description would be to view it as a rocky planet such as Earth. That is to view it as having both an atmosphere surrounding a solid crust wherein there is a mantle surrounding the outer and inner cores.
Imagine now, being an astronaut, travelling towards a neutron star upon which we will first descend before then travelling on downwards to the core.
The first thing we’ll encounter as we approach a neutron star is its magnetic field coupled with how its extreme density causes the fabric of spacetime to warp. The strength of a neutron star’s magnetic field is between a 100 million and 1 quadrillion times stronger than our own Earth’s magnetic field. Effectively a neutron star has one of the most powerful electromagnetic fields in the entire universe. Magnetars, a type of neutron star, are considered to have the most powerful. Because of their strength atoms as we know them become deformed and where matter and anti-matter are born in the vacuum of space.
It is here we get a key insight into the fractal nature of the cosmos and the embodiment of the Big Bang Kilonova Hypothesis’s cosmological principle.
The Schwinger Limit, at a value of \(4.41 \times 10^9T\), is the strength at which the equations describing quantum electrodynamics and the electromagnetic field become non-linear. An electromagnetic field whose strength is below the Schwinger limit is described in a linear fashion. A field, such as the one around a neutron star or a black hole, whose strength is above this is described in a non-linear fashion.
As fractals and chaos arise from non-linear dynamics, in mathematics, coupled with how I place the birth of a black hole at the heart of my Big Bang model seeing this insight is key; I feel. It gives a physical and mathematical reason, derived from quantum electrodynamics, in drawing a parallel between black holes and fractal geometry.
One such effect arising from the nonlinear dynamics of the electromagnetic field is the sudden creation of positron and electron pairs from empty space. In a vacuum the classical Maxwell equations are perfectly linear differential equations which implies, by the superposition principle, that the sum of any two solutions to Maxwell’s equations is itself a solution to Maxwell’s equations. In other words, it is linear. For example, two intersecting beams of light should simply pass right through each other. The luminosity of the intersecting beams is found by adding the luminosity of each of the beams together.
But in considering the collision of two photons in quantum electrodynamics in a field whose strength is greater than the Schwinger Limit the nonlinear dynamics of the electromagnetic field leads to the creation of positron and electron pairs. Known as pair production, the collision of two gamma-ray photons produces an electron and along with its anti-particle; the positron.
As the very creation of matter is a fundamental requirement of any Big Bang model we find this requirement is fulfilled arising from the nonlinear dynamics of a sufficiently strong enough electromagnetic field. The measure of what is sufficient being the Schwinger Limit.
The other effect, arising from the sheer mass energy density of a neutron star, is the wrapping of spacetime. Mountains as high as 10 centimetres exist upon the surface of the neutron star. Now these molehill size mountains would effectively weigh around 70 times the weight of Mount Everest. It is reckoned that due to their extreme mass-energy density these molehill size mountains upon the neutrons star's surface warp the very fabric of spacetime to such a degree that gravitational waves ripple out from the star as it rotates. These gravitational waves are in addition to the extreme warping of spacetime coming from the neutron star as a whole. By knowing the frequency of rotation for a given neutron star, physicists at LIGO, hope to try and detect these gravitational waves, or ripples rather, whose frequencies are expected to be in sync with the rotational frequency of the given star. [17]
So in reality, as an astronaut travelling towards a neutron star, the atoms making up your body will effectively be elongated and spaghettified both by the electromagnetic field and by the relativistic warping of spacetime. Though before this happens the very strength of the electromagnetic field would stop the functional interaction of enzymes like haemoglobin and we would be dead before witnessing such a fate. But in our imagination we continue our journey towards the surface of our neutron star.
As we approach the neutron star we will see a haze like shimmer coming from the atmosphere surrounding the neutron star itself. But unlike the atmosphere of Earth this atmosphere is effectively an electron degenerate form of plasma. Electron degenerate matter is the form of matter mostly found in the neutron star’s lighter cousin; a white dwarf formed by the core-collapse of a star like our own Sun.
In this electron degenerate plasma are the atomic nuclei of that matter which has fallen onto the neutron star since its birth; so mostly hydrogen and helium nuclei. In between the nuclei is a thick fluidic soup of electrons where every space, or quantum state rather, is occupied by an electron.
Pauli’s exclusion principle states that two identical half-integer spin particles, fermions, cannot simultaneously occupying the same quantum state. Meaning that no two electrons, which are fermions having half-integer spin, can occupy the same electron orbital at the same time. But more generally this principle extends to both protons and neutrons in that neither can occupy the same quantum state given that they too are half-integer spin particles. The result of Pauli’s exclusion principle is that an emergent pressure against further compression arises. It is this pressure that stops the white dwarf and neutron star from undergoing total gravitational collapse; unlike a black hole. As we travel down through the crust of a neutron star we will see how this electron-degenerate matter turns into a neutron-degenerate form of matter.
Inside the atmosphere of a neutron star we have an electron-degenerate plasma; an electron soup whose croutons are the atomic nuclei of matter captured by the neutron star’s gravitational attraction. As the most common free elements in the galaxy are hydrogen and helium then the vast majority of nuclei in the electron-degenerate atmosphere will mostly be hydrogen and helium nuclei. Also because of the neutron star’s massive gravitational attraction this atmosphere rises to the astronomical height of one metre. Or rather if you were to stand upon the surface of a neutron star the atmosphere will only come up to your waste. Your head will be in the free vacuum of space.
The actual surface of the neutron star is itself an electron-degenerate plasma which has frozen into a crystalline lattice. The positive like charges of the atomic nuclei within the electron-degenerate plasma repel one another. But given that there is no where for a given atomic nuclei to move to the net result is that a crystalline lattice arises. The atomic nuclei form the nodes of the lattice with each nuclei being equally repelled by the surrounding nuclei.
Here in the crust we begin to see the alchemical nucleosynthesis process that creates all forms of rare and exotic elements and isotopes. This alchemical process is driven by both the beta decay of neutrons and the neutron capture processes. As we discussed, an unstable neutron will undergo beta-decay turning into a proton while ejecting an electron. Neutron capture is the inverse reaction which sees an electron being forced to fuse with a proton into becoming a neutron.
An unstable neutron undergoes beta-decay inside an atomic nucleus which in turn becomes a proton while ejecting an electron. As each element is defined by the number of protons inside their nuclei the addition of a new proton inside the nuclei effectively transmutes the atomic nucleus into becoming a new element. Given that each element in the periodic table is defined by the number of protons in the nucleus the addition of a new proton, from the beta-decay of a neutron, effectively transmutes the nucleus into being the next element in the periodic table. So Iridium with 77 protons can decay into Platinum with 78 protons and then into Gold which has 79 protons.
In inverse the neutron capture process forces an electron into a proton such that it creates a neutron. Thus Mercury with 80 protons undergoes neutron capture creating a Gold nuclei with its 79 protons.
The deeper we go down into the crust the greater the pressure applied from the weight above does become. Just like rock upon Earth the deeper we go down into the crust the greater the pressure becomes coming from the weight of the rock overhead. But rather than rock the pressure from overhead comes from the weight of the electron-degenerate matter that is above. This pressure from overhead forces electrons into protons, becoming neutrons, thus driving a very gradual neutron capture process.

As we descend into the crust of a neutron star we encounter heavier and heavier elements as we descend. Like a phoenix the neutron star is born from a collapsing star's core. The iron formed in that supernova lies at the very surface of the neutron star. Then as we descend we find the heavier elements formed in the rapid neutron capture process of that supernova. Over the lifetime of the neutron star rare and extremely unstable neutron rich isotopes form driven by a gradual neutron capture process coming from the weight of the crust overhead.
Left - "The depth profile of a neutron star of 1.4 solar mass and 10 km radius. The scale on the right indicates the nuclide composition in the outer crust as predicted by the HFB19 and HFB-21 mass models. Experimentally known nuclides are printed in bold. Including the new mass value for \( {^{82}}Zn \), the position of \( {^{80}}Zn \) has changed and \( {^{78}}Ni \) replaces \( {^{82}}Zn \) (changes marked red)." - Wolf, Beck and Blaum. [18]
Meaning the deeper we go into the crust the heavier and more neutron rich the atomic nuclei are going to become. Initially the atomic nuclei entrapped in the crystallised electron-degenerate crust were those nuclei created by the rapid neutron capture process that happened as the collapsing core of the dying star gave birth to the neutron star itself. The lighter nuclei, such as iron, are most abundant at the surface with heavier nuclei lying deeper down inside the crust. With reference to Wolf, Beck and Blaum paper " Neutron Stars to New Depths with the Binding Energy of Exotic Nuclide Zn-82” we can see this illustrated in Figure 1. Iron, with 26 protons, is close to the surface. This is followed by Nickel, with 28 protons, then Krypton, with 36 protons, followed by Selenium and Ruthenium. [18]
The rate of neutron capture increases the deeper we go creating heavier and heavier isotopes of a given element as their respective nuclei gains more and more neutrons. An isotope of an element is defined by the number of neutrons within the nucleus. The deeper we go the more the neutron capture process dominates and thus isotopes containing more and more neutrons are formed. This can be seen in the case of Nickel, with 28 protons, where nuclei near the surface have an atomic weight of 62; implying its nucleus has 34 neutrons. Further down inside the crust we find Nickel with an atomic weight of 80; implying its nucleus has 52 neutrons.
The deeper we go the greater the pressure from overhead. The electrons of the electron degenerate matter are forced to be merged with protons turning into neutrons. By this point we are about a half-kilometre deep. The further down we go the more free neutrons come to occupy the spaces between the atomic nuclei, as opposed to electrons. Thus the electron degenerate matter turns into a neutron degenerate form of matter from which the mantle is thus composed.
From this point in speculation, as opposed to experimentation, reigns; we are beyond the current limit of nuclear experimentation and into the realm of theoretical. Here the density is about a trillion times denser than matter here on Earth.
Inside the core we have nuclear pasta. The first layer being of the spaghetti variety. In effect the previously separate atomic nuclei have merged into forming long chains of atomic spaghetti. It is the balling up and entanglement of this spaghetti that leads to imperfections which push upwards deforming the mantle and crust such that the mountain size mole hills upon the surface are formed.
Alternatively, like the frozen plasma of the atmosphere which is itself the surface of the neutron star the neutron degenerate plasma is itself frozen. Thus forming a single isotropic and homogenous crystallised lattice mass of neutrons. By trying to detect wither a neutron star emits gravitational waves arising from these mountain size molehills is the way these two alternatives can be tested.
Further down, in the pasta model, these long chains are further compressed into layers and then into a crystallised mass. This is probably the single strongest material in the entire universe with a tensile strength quintillion, \( 10^{18} \) times stronger than steel. The massive strength of this material, coming from the neutron degenerate pressure, holds the neutron star up from total gravitational collapse down into a black hole. The density down here is two hundred trillion times the density of anything found here on Earth.
It is down here towards the inner core we finally arrive at something I have spent the last couple of years looking for; the cooper pair. Named after Leon Cooper, who with Bardeen and Schrieffer, discovered the quantum phenomena of paired fermions, such as the electron and neutron, that makes matter both a superconductor and superfluid.
The formation of a Cooper pairing is a quantum effect but in a simplified classical explanation let us consider the atomic lattice of a metal. An electron in a metal normally behaves as a free particle. The electron is repelled from other electrons due to their negative charge, but it also attracts the positive ions that make up the rigid lattice of the metal. This attraction distorts the ion lattice, moving the ions slightly towards the electron, increasing the positive charge density of the lattice in that vicinity. This positive charge can attract other electrons. At long distances, this attraction between electrons due to the displaced ions can overcome the electrons’ repulsion due to their negative charge, and cause them to pair up. It is this forming of paired electrons, or more generally fermions, that is called a Cooper pair. [19]
This pairing is seen in superconductors, material whose electrical resistance is zero and it is because of this pairing that a material becomes a superconductor. A metal can become a superconductor when it drops below a critical temperature. As the temperature cools down the rate and magnitude at which atomic nuclei shake within the metallic lattice decreases. As the rate decreases the rate at which electrons randomly bounce, or repel each other, in turn decreases. Thus giving more time for the lattice to deform such that ions are attracted to a given electron which in turn attracts more electrons. Below the critical temperature the long distance attraction between electrons comes into effect as all the electrons pair up with one another into forming Cooper pairs.
When half-integer spin particles, fermions, such as the electron, neutron and proton bond together forming these Cooper pairs the very nature of the particles changes. They turn into bosons with either a spin of one, like the photon, or spin of zero; like the Higgs particle. Meaning they are no longer behaving like the particles of an atom but rather as a particle that conveys force. For example, the photon, with a spin of one, conveys force upon the electromagnetic field.
The movement of electrons threw the metal now is unidirectional and without resistance coming from the organisation of electrons into Cooper pairs. It is this quantum mechanical behaviour, more formally known as the electron-phonon interaction, of paired electrons at long distance that effectively makes the metal a superconductor. [20]
Ultimately, quantum mechanics tells us that the physical electron itself is a probability wave with no hidden variables. The interpretation I apply in my reasoning, derived from relativity, comes from seeing the very fundamental way in which a dimension of space can become time and vice-versa a temporal dimension can become a spatial dimension. This interpretation is derived from both Special and General relativity in considering superluminal travel in Special and in the General by the flow of spacetime below the event horizon of a black hole. In applying this interpretation of relativity to quantum mechanics I follow the golden rule that fractal geometry is the cosmological principle and that self-similar patterns repeat themselves irrespective of scale by the law of self-similarity as entangled particles are bridged by wormholes. Or rather the ER=EPR conjecture proven by Leonard Susskind and Juan Maldacena in 2013 is now backed up by experimental evidence as demonstrated on Google's Quantum Sycamore chip. [24] [25] [26] [27] [28]
In applying the mathematical law of scale invariance to our map showing the inside of a rotational black hole, as described by the Kerr metric, I apply this map directly in understanding the anatomical structure of a pair of entangled particles. In describing a field be it gravitational or the electromagnetic I apply this interpretation of dimensional role swapping between entrapped temporal and spatial geodesics. The surface of a given field being described as an entrapped or enclosed geodesic wherein time is 3-dimensional and space is uni-dimensional. Or rather the 1-dimensional spatial quantum wormhole through the electromagnetic field within Google's Quantum Sycamore chip is equivalent to two entangled black holes whose wormhole is through the gravitational field. The gravitational field being the equivalent of the electromagnetic field of the Superverse as dark energy imbues solidity.
With this in mind I describe a single fermionic quantum probability wave as being a closed geodesic volume of entrapped spacetime. Usually the wavelength of a given probability wave is smaller than the scale of an atom. But as the temperature drops down towards absolute zero the wavelength of the probability wave spreads out. So in the case of the formation of Cooper pair electrons the wavelength of each electrons' probability wave increases and spreads out. It spreads out to the point where the two probability waves join together and become a single unitary wave of probability whose very nature has changed. The two probability waves of the electron have a half-spin integer meaning that neither can co-exist in the same volume of space. But as a single unitary wave of probability it now has either no spin, like the Higg's boson, or the photon with spin one. Meaning that two cooper paired electrons or cooper paired neutrons can coexist in the same volume of space.
Given both how we see the formation of cooper pair electrons in superconductors and superfluids coupled both with the observation that magnetars are neutron stars and how fermions become bosons gives rise to this description of the neutron star's core. Although Cooper pairing in human experimentation is related to temperature so to is it related to the pressure. So even though the core of a neutron star maybe one of the hottest places in the universe it is one imprisoned by a nearly perfectly spherical mantle whose weight and strength contains this quantum pressure cooker. Off course, in considering an asymmetrical mantle and core, we have this simulation of a young unstable neutron star being forged in the milliseconds proceeding core-collapse of a given star shattering and reforming into a more symmetric circular shape. [29]
Animation of how individual atoms merge together into becoming a single unitary probability wave in a state of matter known as a Bose-Einstein condensate.
But in talking about condensed matter physics let us for the moment continue down the temperature scale. Individual atoms can themselves can be described as a single probability wave. As the temperature drops the probability wave, that is the physical atom itself, also spreads out. Then in the same manner as to how cooper pair electrons form the very atoms merge together such that they act as a single unitary wave function of entrapped 3-dimensional possibility. Here a billionth of a degree above absolute zero groups of atoms merge together into becoming a Bose-Einstein condensate. [30] [31]
With a superfluid, like liquid Helium, this behaviour of Cooper pairing is also seen; particularly in the case of Helium-3. Like a superconductor, in that below a critical temperature, the electrons in the fluid form pairs and flow with zero resistance; or viscosity. Viscosity being the equivalent to electrical resistance in how the fluid flows is suddenly gone as the electrons form pairs and move in unison together. [22] [23]
If there is one thing that lights up my inner geek it is experiments of Bose-Einstein condensates in rotation. Particularly ever since I first laid eyes upon Martin Tajmar’s paper describing his experiment. The importance of Tajmar's experiment is that it potentially shows a man made experiment, which I would love to see reproduced, in which an effect known as frame dragging maybe happening. Now frame dragging is an effect arising from rotation of a body within the context of General Relativity. Or to put it bluntly that's potentially frame dragging in a lab something many physicists would say is impossible. To put this into context; to test the very idea of frame dragging itself the size of the required lab was the entire Earth itself and whose effect is so weak that it took physicists, like Francis Everitt, a lifetime to produce one of the world's most sensitive experiments in the form of gravity probe B. [32] [33] [34] [35] [36] [37] [38] [39]
As a curious note, in making this film, I do wonder why all the film footage of liquid helium is grainy black and white footage. This footage talks about the effect of rotational helium, very rare footage and non in colour. This to me stinks and I think I smell a Skunk in the Works. Just saying as someone who grew up around test pilots. But if anything a photo says a thousand words.

Sodium atoms in a rotating Bose-Einstein condensate. Photographed under a microscope using a process of atom amplifcation by W. Ketterle at M.I.T. The black spots are quantum vortices which have "crystallized" in a triangular patterns. [41] [42]
"The example shown contains (A) 16 (B) 32 (C) 80 (D) 130 vortices as the speed of rotation is increased. The vortices have crystallized in a triangular pattern. The diameter of the cloud is 1mm after ballistic expansion, which represents a magnification of 20."
This photo is showing the gaseous formation of sodium atoms as a Bose-Einstein condensate in rotation. The temperature of the gas is only a billionth of a degree above absolute zero. The quantum probability wave which is the physical sodium atom has effectively spread out to such a degree that it can be photographed with a camera looking down a microscope. For scale the diameter of the photo is 1 millimetre. So what you are seeing in this photo is quantum mechanics. At higher temperatures the length of the quantum wave, that is the physical atom itself, is confined to being inside the atom itself. So quantum mechanical effects are not usually seen at scales larger than an atom. But because the temperature is only a billionth of a degree the quantum wave and hence its wave length have spread out. Again for scale, the photo itself has a diameter of 1 millimetre. This is a photo of the quantum world itself. My hat is off to Wolfgang Ketterle and his team at MIT. [40] [41] [42]

Comparison of the flow fields of rotating normal liquids and superfluids. A normal fluid (left) undergoes rigid body rotation. As a rigid body the volume of fluid behaves as a single continuous liquid medium whose axis of rotation is about a central point, as described by "classical" Newtonian mechanics. Rotation of a superfluid (right) in comparison is quantised into a discrete integer number of quantum vortices, as described by quantum mechanics. It is this discrete versus continuous that puts the quanta into quantum mechanics. With W. Ketterle's photo's we get to finally see the quanta of the quantum world that underlies our reality. The greater the rate of rotation the higher the number of individual quantum vortices whose number is always a discrete integer. [42]
That is a photo showing quantum mechanics in action. Understand that quantum mechanics describes the world at the atomic and sub-atomic scale. Above that scale size we describe the world in terms of classical Newtonian physics. So the ability to see in to that world by causing the wave function to spread out really blows my mind. This is photo of that which physicists once thought impossible to ever see; the quantum world.
The part that gets my full and undivided attention is the hexagonal flower of life pattern. I cannot even put into words the psychic strain that I have felt in understanding the true divinity of this one particular symbol from sacred geometry. Apollo be praised!
But for the moment, staying inside the realm of scientific discord, this is a photo of sodium atoms being rotated. Or rather it is a superfluid in rotation. A normal fluid when forced to rotate, after an initial transient, acts as a rigid body where the velocity smoothly increases from the centre to the edge. However, this smooth variation is impossible for particles in a single quantum state, as the sodium atoms in the photograph are. Because of this quantisation the flow of the superfluid develops a hexagonal formation with quantum vortices at each of the intersections. The flow of the fluid is essentially trapped or confined to the spaces between the hexagonally arranged sodium atoms.
Types of classical vortices in nature include whirlpools and tornados. The flow of the fluid is around a central point which draws the fluid in and downwards. A vortex ring, also called a toroidal vortex, is a torus-shaped vortex in a fluid; that is, a region where the fluid mostly spins around an imaginary axis line that forms a closed loop. The half-integer spin of fermions is best described by Dirac’s Belt trick but in visualising a particle and these vortices pictured here in it is the closest description I have to what a quantum vortex looks like. To see this visualisation this experiment shows the collision of two vortex rings with each annihilating the other; it’s how I imagine what pair annihilation actually looks like. [45]
The flow of the superfluid is confined to the vacuum space between the hexagonal spaces between the sodium atoms. That flow is the quantised angular momentum, spin, of vortex rings. But like a vortex it fulls the fabric of reality down somewhere and to where we’ll discuss in a future episode in our journey down to zero-point. For the moment in looking at sodium atoms as a rotational superfluid these quantum vortices are arranged in a hexagonal formation.
Having now explained one of the photos we can discuss the difference between each of them. The difference is the rate of rotation. The higher the rate of rotation the greater the density, or number, of the vortices. The first photo shows 16 vortices; then the next photo shows 32; then the next 80 followed by 130 vortices. With each step the rate of fluid rotation becomes higher and higher as the number of quantum vortices increases in an integer stepped manner. This is what is meant by quantised flow; this integer stepped increase in the number of vortex rings in the vacuum of space.
But what has all this got to do with the core of a neutron star? Everything, as without explaining Cooper pairs superconductivity, quantum vortices and superfluidity we are unable to talk about the core of a neutron star. Or I could give a very basic description: inside the core, some think, the structural integrity of the neutron breaks down. The quarks and the gluons that make up the mass of the neutron are no longer a single particle. Effectively this gives rise to a form of matter called a quark-gluon plasma.
The only other place in the universe where matter existed as a quark-gluon plasma is in the first few seconds proceeding the Big Bang when all the matter in the universe was a quark-gluon plasma. So if there is an answer to where did the quark-gluon plasma that was the early universe come from? In describing the collision of two-neutron stars, a kilonova, as the primary cause then we have answer to that question. From the core of the two Super-neutron stars. [45]
That’s the beauty of the Big Bang Kilonova Hypothesis; simple answers to impossible questions. Though the collision of two neutron stars grinding each other down turning their whole mass into a quark-gluon plasma adds to that which already exists in the core; as we’ll see later. [47] [48]
But a more detailed description of a neutron star’s core would be to describe it as both being a superconductor and a superfluid whose rate of rotation is so high, approaching the speed of light, that the magnetic field it generates is one of the strongest in the universe. The higher the rate of rotation the greater the magnetic field generated by this dynamo. A magnetar star, which generates the strongest field in the universe, is a neutron star whose super-fluidic core is spinning so fast that it powers the energy within these fields. [50]
The reason the core has become both a superfluid and a superconductor is that the neutrons have bonded forming Cooper pairs. The idea is that the pressure upon the crystallised lattice of neutrons becomes so great from above that above a critical pressure the neutrons are forced into arranging themselves as Cooper pairs. Being a Cooper pair, the two neutrons, stop behaving as two half-integer spin particles. The two neutrons when bound together now behaves as a boson particle which is no longer subject to Pauli’s exclusion principle. Just as a Bose-Einstein condensate is created when dropping below a critical temperature, so to does the core of the neutron star become such a condensate above a critical pressure.
Pauli’s exclusion principle forbids any two half-integer spin particles from occupying the same quantum state. The pairing of half-integer spin neutrons into Cooper pairs transforms the two fermions into a single boson which can occupy the same quantum state. Thus the core can fit a greater number of neutrons than the crystallised lattice above because Cooper paired neutrons, acting as a single boson, can occupy the same quantum state as other Cooper paired neutrons.
The state of the crystallised lattice suddenly gives way to this spinning superfluid which cumulatively is best described as being a quark-gluon plasma. Being a superfluid in rotation means the flow of the fluid itself is quantised such that it generates very powerful quantum vortices within the core. Glitches in the regularity of a pulsar, a neutron star as observed from Earth, are theorised to be caused by the generation of these quantum vortices. [46] [52]
Anton Petrov's video talking about Jorge Alfaro, Domenec Espriu and Luciano Gabbanelli's idea of how the singularity inside a black hole could be described as a Bose-Einstein condensate of gravitons whose irrotational flow generates powerful quantum vortices. These vortices in turn generate a very powerful magnetic field whose quantum interaction upon the event horizon leaves an imprint in a similar manner to how Sun spots appear. By using the Event Horizon telescope to detect the electromagnetic field lines around the black hole evidence of such vortices might be found. [53] [54] [55] [56]
One extremely interesting idea is the idea that these quantum vortices are formed inside the core of a black hole. The idea extends from quantum gravity where the particle of gravity, the graviton, is a spin-2 boson. Behaving like a Bose-Einstein condensate, or a neutron star’s core, the spinning ringularity itself acts in similar manner in being both a superconductor and a superfluid. Effectively the ringularity of a rotating black hole could be described theoretically as being a Bose-Einstein condensate of graviton particles. Thus the ringularity inside the black hole generates these quantum vortices which are thought to act in a manner similar to how Sun spots appear. [53] [54]
A Sun spot is an area upon our star’s surface that is caused by the intense concentration of magnetic field lines within a local area. These intense magnetic field lines are generated by the rotation of the Sun’s core. These intense magnetic field lines inhibits the convection of plasma causing the surface plasma to cool which in turn decreases the intensity of light emitted in that local area. Thus a Sun spot is seen as a dark spot upon the Sun’s surface.
But in the case of a black hole and because of the quantum nature of these vortices; the intense magnetic field line running through the centre of the vortex can possibly escape the event horizon. Or rather, it acts as a Sun spot upon the event horizon of the black hole. This effect, via quantum mechanics, would then be imprinted upon the magnetic field surrounding the black hole. As the Event Horizon telescope can now picture the actual magnetic field lines of a black hole it opens a window into being able to test such an idea. This is what makes this idea so brilliant in that it actually provides a window into the black hole that can be tested through direct observation. But not to be outdone we will actually look at the direct effect of matter that has actually been pulled through the ringularity of a black hole later on this episode.
The inner core of a neutron star I feel is simply a quark-gluon plasma surrounded by the superconducting superfluid of the outer core. Such is the weight and pressure that the neutrons have lost all integrity and cohesion that they have become unbound within the inner core. The quarks and the gluons that make up the mass of the neutron are freed and the resultant plasma soup is a quark-gluon plasma. The same state of matter that the entire universe was in following the first few seconds proceeding the Big Bang event itself.
Having now fully described the structure of a neutron star are we able to describe the actual Philosopher’s Stone itself; the kilonova event itself.
A kilonova arises from the collision of two neutron stars with one another. Attracted by the gravitational pull upon the other the two neutron stars orbit about each other. With each full rotation the two stars move closer to one another as they progressively spiral into towards each other. Because of the extreme density and weight of each of the two neutron stars the metric fabric of spacetime is warped in such a manner that gravitational waves are formed which in turn ripple out across the fabric of the universe. As the two stars come to be closer and closer together the greater the distortion in the fabric of spacetime becomes. Coupled to this is that the frequency of each orbital rotation about the other increases. The cumulative result is that both the magnitude and frequency of the gravitational waves spiralling out from the two stars continually increases until the two stars actually collide.
Gravitational observatories, like LIGO, detect the gravitational waves being emitted from our two neutron stars orbiting the other. A gravitational observatory works using a device known as a laser interferometer which acts by bouncing a laser back and forth between two concave mirrors in such a way a regular interference pattern builds up. When the fabric of spacetime is warped, such as when a gravitational wave passes through the laser interferometer, the resultant warping changes the path travelled by the laser which is then seen as changes in the resultant interference pattern. By detecting these changes in the interference pattern physicists are able to detect the presence of gravitational waves while also being able to measure the wave’s magnitude and frequency.
The LIGO observatories employ two laser interferometers each one built at a 90 degree angle to the other. This is to allow the observatory to find out from which direction the gravitational wave is travelling from. Looking down, if the gravitational wave travelled in a vertical direction, from bottom to top, then the metric of spacetime would oscillate in the vertical direction. This compression of spacetime in the vertical effects the flight time of the vertical laser which in turn is detected as a change in the interference pattern of the recombined lasers at the detector. As the wave is orthogonal to the horizontal then no change is seen in the flight time of the horizontal laser. Vice versa, a wave travelling from the left to the right would be seen by the horizontal interferometer while unseen by the vertical interferometer. For a wave in between then both interferometers would see the wave and finding its direction would be a simple matter of trigonometry.
Such is the sensitivity of these LIGO observatories that they can detect the warping of spacetime to within a billionth of a millimetre. To ensure a valid result, as opposed to an invalid one such as might happen when a truck drives within 10 miles of an observatory, and to cover blind spots a number of gravitational observatories have or are currently being built around the world. When two or more observatories record the same event then it is considered a valid result having been reproduced. This was seen in the case of GW170817, the first binary neutron star merger ever seen and recorded in 2017. [57] [59]
GW170817 Spectrogram + Template Audio - LIGO [59]
Both the Hanford and Livingston LIGO observatories in the US detected the kilonova event. But the Virgo observatory did not. Using this information the LIGO astronomers triangulated the potential source of the kilonova event to two patches of sky in the southern hemisphere.

A) The triangulation of the GW170817 event identified two regions in the southern hemisphere. B) LIGO's data shows the "chirp" sound produced as the two neutron stars inspiral. C) LIGO's artwork picturing the formation of gravitational waves within a binary neutron star merger. [57]
Astronomers, using optical telescopes, have for a longtime been trying to develop techniques which allow them to capture the light of a nova as it actually explodes. The problem is that novas are very short events. There is the initial explosion which lights up the area; meaning a supernova in a galaxy will for a short moment be brighter than the galaxy itself. This explosion of light over the course of the next few days cools down and fades. So the quicker astronomers are able to detect the location of a nova the better the observations are going to be as many telescopes rapidly home in on the area where the nova is about to or is occurring. Because of a nova's short, but bright, timespan such astrophysical events are called "transient events".
Towards this end astronomers launched specialised satellite missions such as the Swift and Fermi telescope which detect light in the X and Gamma-Ray end of the electromagnetic spectrum. Shortly after LIGO had seen the gravitational waves from GW170817 the Fermi telescope detected a gamma-ray burst event. Fifteen hours later Swift detected a short gamma-ray burst coming from around the same region of the southern sky narrowing the search window even further. Marshalled, nearly every available telescope swung their sights upon this window as the source of the kilonova was identified to be coming from the galaxy NGC 4993. Thus we saw our first kilonova caused by the merger of two neutron stars. This footage here, taken by the Hubble Space Telescope, over the course of 6 days shows the light from this kilonova. [60] [61] [62] [63] [66]

On August 17, 2017, the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory detected gravitational waves from a neutron star collision. Within 12 hours, observatories had identified the source of the event within the galaxy NGC 4993, shown in this Hubble Space Telescope image, and located an associated stellar flare called a kilonova (box). Inset: Hubble observed the kilonova fade over the course of six days. Credits: NASA and ESA [60]
As a side note, can the ESA come up with a new space telescope and call it the Lemaître Space Telescope. I mean did you ever hear the tale of the primeval atom? You have now as that is exactly what a neutron star is. After all it was Lemaître and not Hubble who discovered "Hubble's Law". It was Lemaître who first showed Einstein the consequence of applying his theory of General Relativity which described an expanding universe. Einstein, who believed in the long established steady-state model, initially messed up his own calculations to disprove Lemaître's idea. Friedmann, who was better at the subtleties of tensor calculus, showed Einstein his mistake which then caused Einstein to introduce the Lambda into his field equation. [67] [68] [70]
A lunatic reads Jean-Pierre Luminet Editorial note to "A Homogeneous Universe of Constant Mass and Increasing Radius accounting for the Radial Velocity of Extra--Galactic Nebulae" by Georges Lema\^itre (1927)" [67]
Einstein later took it out calling it his greatest mistake after Hubble finally convinced him that the observational data showed Lemaître was right and that we live in an expanding universe. Now how and why this came to be Lemaître attempted to answer this by way of his idea of the "Primeval Atom". That was before Hoyle coined the term Big Bang. Lemaître was a genius and I might as well call my hypothesis the Twin Primeval Atom hypothesis. Though being honest I just did it for the lulz. But to appease my ego, I do have this funny notion that interstellar empires will be named after me. [69]
What really surprised scientists in capturing the light and afterglow of a kilonova was its spectral pattern; or absorption lines. The spectral absorption lines showed the presence of precious metals, such as gold and platinum, and other rare heavy elements. Meaning that a kilonova is actually responsible for the creation of gold. Prior to this, it was believed that core-collapse supernovae were responsible for the creation of gold. But since then nuclear physicists have recalculated the numbers and determined that gold is actually formed in both the heart of a kilonova and a hypernova. Without them there would be no gold or any other element heavier than iron in the entire universe. [71] [72] [73]
So when I say a kilonova event is the Philosopher’s Stone; I am being very literal about that and this fact is not one of mere theoretical calculation. No it is one of fact born out by direct observational evidence. Namely, the spectral light of the kilonova event itself. [74] [75]
In order to understand the Big Bang Kilonova Hypothesis let us study the anatomy of a kilonova explosion and the subsequent black hole it gives birth too.
A kilonova, the collision between two neutron stars, starts with the gravitational pull of one upon the other. This gravitation attraction upon the other causes each of the two neutron stars to form a circular orbit about the other. However, this circular orbit is not stable, the gravitational attractive force between the two bodies being greater than the outward centrifical force causes them to be pulled in towards one another. Thus they spiral in towards one another with each complete orbit becoming shorter and shorter as their angular momentum continuous to be accelerated.
For clarity of description, we label our two neutron stars as both A and B.
The closer one is to a given neutron star the greater its gravitational force of attraction becomes. Thus the closer a given neutron star is to the other the greater the gravitational force that is exerted upon the other. Thinking about the surface of star A one side of star A’s surface is pointing towards star B and hence closer to B. Vice versa, the other half of star A’s surface is pointing away from star B. Meaning half the surface of A is closer to B than the other half, at any given moment in time. Hence the surface of A that is closer to B experiences a greater pull towards B relative to the far side surface of A upon which a lesser force is exerted; being further away from B.
Because the mass of a neutron star is so extreme this difference in the gravitational force of B being exerted upon the surface of A causes the spherical neutron star to deform into becoming elongated and egg shaped. Effectively the closer the surface of one star is to the surface of the other the greater the pull such that the spherical star is stretched out, elongated, into becoming egg shaped. When stretched out further the star becomes more pair shaped.
Now the neutron stars themselves each have their own axis of rotation about which the spherical body rotates. But as the body is stretched out to look like an egg the surface being stretched is constantly changing because of the body’s own rotation. So for a fixed point on the equator it will be stretched as the body of A rotates such that our fixed point moves closer to B. It will then reach the point of greatest exertion when the distance to B is at its minimum. For the next half rotation of A our point moves away from B causing the exertion to relax before increasingly becoming stretched again when it swings back towards B in the next half rotation.
As we saw, the crust of the neutron star is composed of the relatively lighter electron degenerate matter with respect to the mantle being composed of heavier neutron degenerate matter. Because of the gravitational shearing forces, arising from the aforementioned kinematics, exerted upon each of the two neutron stars this lighter crust is effectively torn off and vaporised in the process becoming a diffuse electron degenerate cloud of plasma surrounding the doomed neutron stars.

Periodic table showing the origin of the different elements. [76]
This vaporisation of the crust in turn releases the atomic nuclei entrapped within it thus allowing them to escape. Coupled to this free neutrons are also released in this stripping of the crust which in turn slam into the escaping atomic nuclei. This collision and absorption of free neutrons by atomic nuclei generates the rapid neutron capture process; the r-process, by which heavy elements are forged. It is from this r-process that we see the atomic nuclei being transformed into the rare heavy elements such as Gold or Platinum. [76]
The violent explosion of the kilonova event itself in turn casts these elements out into the wider universe. Thus the gold inside our universe is formed in the heart of a kilonova which is then scattered out into the universe in the merger and collision of two neutron stars. Hence this is the reason why I use the term Philosopher’s Stone because that literally is what happens as base metals are transmuted to gold here by the r-process. The gold found on Earth is evidence that a neutron star merger occurred in the planetary nebula that gave birth to our solar system. And it is this process that leads me to the causal reason that gives rise to my prediction. [77]
In presenting the Big Bang Kilonova Hypothesis I describe how the birth of a rotational black hole in turn gives birth to a rotational white hole, on the other side of the entrapped wormhole. This in turn inflates two new entrapped manifolds of spacetime which like balloons inflate forth from the polar regions of said newly born black hole.
Some, or more than likely most, of the vaporised crust will be entrapped inside the event horizon of the black hole being born. The black hole and its event horizon are born because of the cumulative weight of two neutron stars in such close proximity. As the vaporised crust is also in close proximity it will be entrapped inside the event horizon, or fall into it, and thus its only path of travel is down through the wormhole to be ejected out into either of the two smaller scaled realities of the newly born universes. [78]
Fractal geometry is the cosmological principle and thus self-similar patterns happen irrespective of scale. So given that the scale of the Superverse is so much larger, where a single star’s diameter is 330 million light years such as the one in the Boötes Supervoid, then what would such an atomic nuclei of the Superverse be like in our universe? The answer I am led to believe is that such an atomic nuclei of the Superverse is to us a Supermassive Black Hole. Thus these Super atomic nuclei, the gold nuclei of the Superverse, are to us the Supermassive Black Holes we find in the centre of galaxies. Meaning by applying the story of the philosopher’s stone and our cosmological principle I have an origin story for how supermassive black holes came into our universe in the moments proceeding the Big Bang Kilonova event itself.
It is because these seeds of galaxy formation are inside the resultant ball of hot plasma, that is our early universe, from around which galaxies are formed that therefore leads me to make the prediction that the James Webb telescope will be able to see spiral galaxy formations all the way back to the time of the last scattering of the cosmic microwave sky; some 300,000 years after the Big Bang event itself.
Effectively these supermassive black holes will feed upon the surrounding plasma that is the very early universe. This will lead to the formation of accretion discs which in turn grow becoming quasars in the process as these supermassive black holes feed. The size of this accretion disc will also grow because of the expansion of the early universe and this in turn leads to the formation of proto-spiral galaxies. The feeding black hole in turn gives birth to a pair of subverses that, like balloons, inflate forth from the polar regions of said black hole. The inflation of these subverses, coupled with the rotation of the accretion disc and the expansion of the early universe, give rise to the spiral galaxy’s shape. The inflation of the subverses in turn form a halo around the galaxy. These subverses, being entrapped manifolds of spacetime within our own universe in turn become to us dark matter; the matter in them being entrapped.
As the two subverses inflate they come to occupy the polar regions, to the north and south poles, of the given supermassive black hole. In effect as they grow and expand, both from being inflated by the associated white hole and from the expansion of the early universe itself, these subverses come to form a halo formation which surrounds the entire spiral galaxy as a whole. Hence I expect to see spiral galaxy formations to be seen all the way back to the time of the last scattering of the microwave sky. In fact I would say 63% of the early universe was consumed by these supermassive black holes in the first 300,000 years given WMAP shows that by that time that 63% of our universe was composed of dark matter. [84]
In opposition to this is the Lambda-CDM model which first has to account for the birth and formation of supermassive black holes. Then in combination with this it has to reckon with the creation of spiral galaxies from the initially homogenous ball of hot plasma that was the early universe. This process is reckoned to take around 1 billion years or more. So here I am able to make a specific prediction that separates my hypothesis from the Lambda-CDM predictions. This prediction will now undergo the full scientific test in the coming decades as the James Webb telescope carries out its mission. [85] [86]
Though the Lambda-CDM model I am afraid is going to fail this test if the early data is verified. Already papers such as “Panic! At the disks” followed by articles claiming the “Big Bang didn’t happen” are already causing well Panic! I on the other hand Don’t Panic while sipping a Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster in order to allow my brain to recover after writing this entire explanation in one go. I would off course highly advice you to try the same drink in combination with whatever hallucinogenic as we’ll soon be diving into the birth of a black hole. Maybe I should play some Disaster Area in the background while doing our deep dive. [87] [88] [89]

Optical images, from JWST, of the six massive galaxies whose redshift dates them to existing some 600 million years after the Big Bang. From the point of view of the Standard Model of Cosmology, the Lambda-CDM model, it would take around 2-3 billion years for such massive galaxies to have formed. In contrast the Big Bang Kilonova Hypothesis predicts the formation of such galaxies early on because the atomised matter of the two Super neutron stars entered our universe from the moment it was born. Inside our universe, by proportion of scale, this atomised matter became to us the super-massive black holes that exist at the centre of every galaxy. [79] [90]
As a note, Eric Lerner, who wrote the “The Big Bang didn’t happen” article is a supporter of the Plasma Universe model proposed by Hannes Alfven. My primary contention with this model, particularly as presented by the Thunderbolt of the Gods project, is that they seem to ignore evidence such as redshift and the existence of black holes in order to still make their model “work”. They have their reasons but it is an old dying cosmological model dating from the 1970s. [91] [92]
One reason is that they make the argument that the sky, as seen from Earth, was drastically different when man was still living in caves. The electric universe, as they call it, caused formations to appear in the heavenly sky which early man saw and then drew. I will take my hat of in that they were the first physicists to try and link the sacred artwork and patterns commonly seen throughout human civilisations and history to structures and formations within the universe. I thought I was going mad at first in thinking about this idea; so it was a huge relief to find someone else saying the same. Shame they didn’t follow through and actually practice the art themselves.
I did and now a few years later I have no problem explaining the birth of our universe via a kilonova in describing concepts such as “The Philosopher’s Stone”. Hence the need for a heavy drink and a place I can go and recuperate. Mind you given that my beard has turned white the “immortality benefits” of either it or the Grail are rather misleading. It is there to show the immortal nature of the human soul; but not the physical body. An argument I am to make in another episode once I have laid enough ground work in order to describe the internal structure of the One Electron Universe.
Another consequence and the primary motivation that leads me to making the prediction that the James Webb telescope is going to see disc and spiral shaped galaxies right back to the time of the last scattering is Lion Shamir’s work. Shamir looked to measuring wither there was any asymmetry in the observed clockwise spinward direction of spiral galaxies. [93]
When looking through a telescope in order to view a spiral galaxy you’ll see the arms of said galaxy. Now you may see those spiral arms as having either a clockwise rotation or an anti-clockwise rotation. It is this binary distinction between, clockwise and anti-clockwise, of the arms of spiral galaxies that Shamir measured. Accumulating a dataset of around 100,000 images of different spiral galaxies taken from autonomous observatories such as the Sloan Digital Sky Survey; Shamir measured this binary distinction between clockwise and anti-clockwise spiral arms.
Given, a truly isotropic universe then one would expect there to be no statistically significant difference between the number of spiral galaxies with clockwise spin versus anti-clockwise spin; and when viewed for the whole sky this is indeed the case. But in comparing local regions of the sky to see if there was any variation in symmetry in spinward direction then Shamir found there to be statistically significant asymmetry in particular regions of the sky. Using spheric harmonic analysis Shamir produced dipole and quadruple maps showing the amount of asymmetry between clockwise and anti-clockwise spin. The real shocking surprise came from the pattern of the asymmetry shown in the subsequent maps of both the dipole and quadruple.
Animated comparison between the dipole map of the CMB and the galaxy spin asymmetry dipole maps. [93] [94]
The great surprise was that the dipole and quadruple maps of spinward asymmetry were an exact match to the dipole and quadruple maps of the Cosmic Microwave Background Sky. When viewed, one over the other, the maps showing spinward asymmetry and the maps showing temperature of the microwave sky are a match. The only reason they could possibly match is if there is a direct causal connection between the spiral direction of rotation of a given spiral galaxy and the very early universe; when it was not even more than 300,000 years old.
In other words, spiral galaxies must have formed before the time of the last scattering; some 300,000 years after the Big Bang event itself. Hence why I say Lion Shamir’s work is the primary motivation that leads to this prediction. As Lambda-CDM, which like banks is described as being ‘too big to fail’, predicts that at least 1 billion years must have past since the birth of our universe before spiral shaped galaxies could form then this direct causal connection is problematic to say the very least. It is so problematic that it provides a point upon which I can show the validity of my hypothesis in making scientific prediction based upon my proposed hypothesis.
Animated comparison between the quadruple map of the CMB and the two galaxy spin asymmetry quadruple maps. [93] [95]
Meaning in returning back to a kilonova explosion in the Superverse; the crust and its mantle of each of the two neutron stars are torn off in the moments proceeding the actual collision itself. In these final few moments proceeding the Big Bang itself a number of critical things occur.
Firstly, the gravitational shear of each body upon the other pulls the lighter electron degenerate crust from the star releasing the atomic nuclei. Being inside the Superverse these atomic nuclei will become the supermassive black holes that exist in the centre of galaxies within our universe. Remember fractal geometry is the cosmological principle and the surrounding Superverse is an exact copy of our universe; except for one of scale. Our universe directly inheriting the characteristics from our parent Superverse. This atomisation of the two neutron stars of the Superverse upon each other envelopes the surrounding region to form an accretion disc of plasma filled with free neutrons and heavy atomic nuclei. These neutrons and nuclei collide giving rise to the alchemical rapid neutron capture process by which new heavy elements are forged.
The second critical thing is a rotational black hole of the Superverse is born. By born I mean that an event horizon forms from which no matter or light can escape. It is born because of the additive mass-energy density of the two neutron stars being in such close proximity to each other. In providing a fuller description I extrapolate upon the Kerr solution of a rotational black hole. But more specifically it is in considering Nikodem Poplawski’s work and his use of an Einstein-Cartan formulation that I lean towards. The reason being that an Einstein-Cartan formulation of General Relativity, which accounts for torsion, stops the ringularity from collapsing to a ring of infinite curvature. Rather the ringularity, I feel, is an even more collapsed form of degenerate matter which is held up by the degenerate pressure arising from the torsion tensor. [96] [97] [98] [99] [100]
In effect, I wonder if the two neutrons stars really collide as the matter in them undergoes total gravitational collapse. Meaning that the gravitational shear upon the other deforms each of the two stars, as we discussed. The shear upon each stretches each other out following the spiralling circular orbit. Each stripping the other of its mantle and outer core, exposing the quark gluon plasma inside. Effectively the two stars deform until they merge together forming a single ring which itself collapses down into becoming the ringularity at the heart of the newly born black hole.
Though on reflection I do think there is an actual point of physical collision between the two Super neutron stars and the kilonova event itself really begins. The imprint of this impact and the resultant matter that came to form our universe is seen in the large scale anisotropies of the microwave sky.
Another important point in regards to Nikodem Poplawski's work is that his cosmological model describing how a black hole can give birth to a new universe can be expressed in terms of the critical FLWR metric. The Kerr metric is a local solution of General Relativity in that it is used to describe the gravitational spacetime curvature of one or more astrophysical bodies; like a solar system for example. The FLWR metric is a cosmological solution of General Relativity that is used in the Lambda-CDM model in order to describe the entire universe as a whole. Poplawski showed that there exists a one-to-one mapping between the interior of a rotational black hole and the FLWR metric. Thus providing mathematical justification to the idea that our universe was born forth from a rotational black hole. [98][101][102]
The kilonova event begins. The collision between the two neutron stars occurs shattering each of their bodies apart. The resultant explosion outwards in a heart beat turns inwards towards the centre as the fabric of the Superverse is ripped apart. The fragmented mass of the two stars spins into forming an accretion disc whose state of matter is beyond our current best descriptions. The neutron degenerate material undergoes further collapse and the ringularity is born. Along with the ringularity an entrapped wormhole forms sucking matter down into its gapping vortex.
The very fabric of the Superverse, its electromagnetic field, is torn in two by the wormhole such that two new balloon manifolds of entrapped space-time are born and inflated forth from the rotational white hole on the other side of the entrapped wormhole. One entrapped balloon manifold of spacetime being our universe the other being our parallel universe of anti-matter.
The third critical thing happening in the Big Bang kilonova event is the production of gravitational waves across the spacetime fabric of the Superverse. Just like the merger of two neutron stars in our universe a kilonova event in the Superverse causes spiral waves to ripple out across the spacetime fabric of the Superverse. As the two stars spiral closer to one another the greater in both magnitude and frequency do these waves become. Then after collision, only once the event is over, do we see the source of these waves become one and they die out. Once the source has ceased the remaining gravitational waves ripple on out across the fabric of the Superverse.
Ultimately, our universe, along with our parallel twin, are born from the electromagnetic field of the Superverse being ripped apart and throttled through the wormhole leading to the expanding spacetime manifolds which like a balloon inflates. One of those balloons being our universe. However, to fully communicate my vision of this and why is the recurrent theme of all my work.
But what is the shape of the newly born universes as they are being inflated?
To see this we look to the cosmic microwave background sky in the lower dipoles. Spherical harmonics upon a spherical surface is equivalent to using a Fourier transform upon a flat surface. The Fourier transform function being that function which converts the waveform of a signal, as a whole, into the various frequency components that make up the signal. This form of analysis is best understood in terms of standing waves upon a vibrating string. When flicked, like a guitar string, a waveform can be made to travel down the length of a rope before it is reflected back in the other direction; this is a transverse wave. However if the rope or string is vibrated at a specific frequency a standing wave forms. The first standing wave that forms is a single crescent waveform. It is the waveform produced when skipping a rope and is known as the first harmonic. [103] [104]
If we now double the frequency of vibration, going up an octave, we are then able to form two standing waves; forming a full wave crest. This is the second harmonic. Double the frequency, up an octave, and we get four standing waves; the third harmonic. Again double the frequency and we get eight standing waves; the fourth harmonic. Each time we move up the scale by an octave, doubling the frequency, results in doubling the number of standing waves.
It is this doubling, expressed as \(2^N\), where \(N\) is the given harmonic we see employed in the multipole expansion of the CMB. The dipole is the first harmonic, expressed as \(l=1\), where “di” means two. The quadrupole is the second harmonic, expressed as \(l=2\), where “quad” means four; \(2^2=4\). The octopole is the third harmonic, expressed as \(l=3\), where “octo” means eight; \(2^3=8\). The hexadecapole is the fourth harmonic, expressed as \(l=4\), where “hexadeca”, as in hexadecimal, means sixteen; \(2^4=16\).
What this form of analysis does is identify the standing waves that formed within the plasma of the very early universe. The idea is that fluctuations occurred within the expanding ball of plasma that was the early universe. Standing waves would then subsequently form within this plasma arising from the shape and fluctuations of the early universe. This in turn would lead to areas of higher and lower density which in turn is related to the temperature of the microwave sky. The hotter an area the greater the concentration of mass-energy density. Vice versa, areas with less mass-energy density in turn are colder. Hence maps of the CMB which show temperature variation translates into being a map of the mass-energy density of the early observable universe.
Side-by-side comparison of the lower pole maps of the CMB. 3-year WMAP. [103]
To see this we first look at the CMB dipole map. Now a large body, if not the majority, of cosmologists think that temperature variations in the dipole map is due to a doppler shift effect arising from Earth’s passage through the universe as a whole. But from looking at the dipole map of spinward galaxy asymmetry we have a map of a cosmic wide phenomena which matches the CMB dipole. Given the two maps are related “to precision of greater than \( 6 \sigma \) ”; then leads to me conclude that the CMB dipole is a result of fluctuations at the very largest scale. As a note, in my previous podcast I presented this argument in discussing Shamir’s work. [107]
In addition and far more conclusively, having been reproduced, astronomers looked at testing the local kinematic interpretation of the CMB dipole by looking at the doppler shift of over a million quasars. They discovered a similar dipole structure, similar to the CMB dipole, causing them, and I quote "to rejecting the canonical, exclusively kinematic interpretation of the CMB dipole". In effect, they found that the doppler shift of respective quasars have their own similarly shaped dipole but not fully aligned with the cosmic microwave's dipole. [105] [106] [108]
So in looking at the map of the CMB dipole, the first harmonic, we see a full single waveform running through the equatorial of the map. This wave formation is a single standing wave whose full shape is equal to a single complete waveform. From this we know there are wave fluctuations within the hot plasma of the early universe. But what we don’t know is what the frequencies of those standing waves are? We do know that the wavelength of the wave, or waves plural, is smaller than or equal to the length of the observable universe. Or rather, the spherical volume within the much smaller, hotter and denser universe that went on to expand into the spherical volume of space that is to us our observable universe.
However we must be very careful in comparing the CMB dipole to the quadrupole and octopole maps. For one the alignment is orthogonal to the CMB dipole and secondly the temperature variation compared to all the subsequent higher pole maps is 18 times greater. Meaning of all the temperature variations the CMB dipole is the greatest. [109]
Given my explanation of the CMB Cold Spot coupled with the alignment of the CMB dipole both come from the same general region in the southern sky and this is exactly what we see. Now bear in mind the CMB dipole was primarily shaped by the ringularity before expanding to form the Eridanus super-void causing the CMB dipole to not quite line up fully. [110] [111]
"So how do we make sense of this?", asks the Cheshire cat. Well by my hypothesis the flow of matter into our universe through the ringularity is in one direction and one direction alone. If it was going in the other direction then that matter would be antimatter entering our parallel universe of antimatter. Further when our universe expands it is constrained by both the symmetrical expansion of our twin and the speed limit of the Superverse. This ensures that the entire universe is moving through the Superverse in the opposite direction to our CPT-symmetric twin verse. As our entire universe is moving in the same direction, us with it, we get this temperature CMB dipole variation which is not even discussed by theoretical cosmologists.
In addition, in my essay about the Cold Spot upon the CMB, I made the argument that the universe is expanding in the same general direction which resulted in a space opening up between the white hole and the rest of the universe, giving rise to the formation of the Eridanus super-void. Notice that both the cold hemisphere of CMB dipole and the Cold Spot both lie down in the Eridanus region of southern night sky. Meaning we know exactly where our universe was born inside the Superverse and in which direction it is expanding.
Looking at the CMB quadrupole map, the second harmonic, we see two full waveforms running through the equatorial line. Like the first harmonic, this tells us that the frequency of the standing waves, plural now as there are 2 full waveforms, whose wavelength is smaller than or equal to the length of half of the observable universe.
It is when we get to the CMB octopole map, the third harmonic, we see three full waveforms running through the equatorial line. Now in the first and second harmonics the wavelength of the standing wave is equal to that of the given harmonic. The first harmonic waveform matches the waveform identified on the CMB dipole map. The second harmonic waveform matches the waveform identified on the CMB quadrupole map. The third harmonic waveform however does not match the waveform identified on the CMB octopole map as if it were we would see four full waveforms. However we see three full standing waveforms which means that in the octopole map we finally get to see the full standing waveform and their exact wavelength. That wavelength being one third the size of our observable universe.
When we look at the CMB map of the fourth harmonic we now begin to see other standing wave formations that are not spread out across the entire universe. Then we have the fifth harmonic which has a rather interesting cubic lattice wave formation covering the entire observable universe. This particular harmonic intrigues me as I think this possibly could be the signature of the cubic isometric crystal lattice from which our homogeneous and isotropic universe was born.
Then in the sixth harmonic waveform we have six standing wave formations which I believe is the second harmonic of the waves seen in the octopole map. The reverberation of the initial three standing waves within the primordial plasma produces waves double in frequency creating a wave formation that has six standing waves. The initial three waves we see in the \(l=3\) octopole map. The six standing waves we see in the \(l=6\) map of the CMB. Seeing this adds to my conviction that the three standing waves are a real formation in the early universe because in turn we see six standing waves in the second harmonic. Just as we see both a first and second harmonic waveform when playing a note on a piano.
After a fashion, what we are doing as we move up through the harmonics in our analysis is effectively like tuning a radio in increments. With each change in station we move up an octave looking for those waves whose frequency is within the given octave we have moved up too. In a nutshell, a mission like WMAP which, runs over a number of years, continuously measures the cosmic microwave background from all spherical directions. The higher the harmonic number is the higher the frequency, hence resolution and detail of the map. But in order to create such high-resolution maps we need millions or billions of data samples. So by taking microwave background measurements, in the depths of space, WMAP and Planck collect enough data to produce maps of higher and higher resolution and detail.
However, the standard model of cosmology, the Lambda-CDM model says, that the universe is both homogenous and isotropic at scales which are sufficiently large; over 250 million light years. Meaning that the formation of standing waves larger than this is problematic to say the very least and if you were to ask such questions don’t expect to have any career progress as a professional cosmologist. Just saying, while I go about nuking the entire field single handedly from orbit. From my point of view priests of a science are not real physicist…. at which point world war 3 actually begins as the physics departments from every university go into full jihad mode.
But we’ll talk about the Grail before the end.
For the moment, let us consider two alternative hypothesises that could account for such large scale features in the context of the Big Bang Kilonova Hypothesis. But in order to talk about them we must understand the problem that has led cosmologists to be in this situation. The problem is that the universe looks exactly the same, operating under the same laws of physics, as every other place in the observable universe. Pointing our telescope we look at two regions, each at the edge of our observable universe, where said regions are at the polar opposite ends of the universe from each other. So effectively if we were to look at two regions that have been separated since the very moment of the Big Bang by the expansion of spacetime, that expanse being over 80-billion light years in length, then we are looking at two regions that have been causally disconnected from each other since the moment of creation. What we see in these two casually disconnected regions is that they have spiral and elliptical galaxies populated by stars whose spectra contains atoms from the periodic table. In other words they are the same operating under same laws of physics.
Then added to this is the constraint that the expansion must have spherical symmetry. Such is the import that George Lemaître, the father of the Big Bang theory, spends the first chapter of his book "The Primeval Atom" covering both the geometric and philosophical history, dating from the time of Archimedes, as to why spherical symmetry is a fundamental ingredient of the Big Bang theory. But to quote from the chapter summary in the introduction. To quote, "The first chapter deals with the theory of nonstatic fields having spherical symmetry, which is required to establish Friedmann's equations in the second chapter.", end quote.
The cosmological metric the FLWR metric is named after Friedmann, Lemaître, Robertson and Walker. And here we have Lemaître spending the first chapter of his book dedicated to the importance of spherical symmetry as it is a requirement in deriving Friedmann's equations which he then goes on to do in the second chapter. For me, as a cosmologist, I consider Lemaître's book "The Primeval Atom" to be equivalent to as how Charles Darwin's "On the Origin of Species" is to evolutionary biologists. To all ideas there is a beginning and as we've already seen a neutron star is Lemaître's primeval atom.
The precision required, in line with the second law of thermodynamics, that such an expanding hot ball of plasma could grow with such perfect order while simultaneously holding perfect spherical symmetry is \(1 : 10,000,000,000^{123}\); to quote Roger Penrose in discussing the tuning of fine constants. The fact that the odds are so improbable are seen by many as proof of a single divine creator; more commonly called the anthropic principle. Knowing personally, the one who taught me but is naught, let me now show you what true improbability looks like when hand of said divine creator is actually in play. [112][113]
Have you ever heard the phrase "bouncing of the walls" in excitement. That's me everyday, well its more staring into the distance as glory of my conquests build up. One such trophy now is the optical observation of AT2017gfo, the binary neutron star merger whose tale we told earlier, has been observed to have near perfect spherical symmetry. This completely took everyone by surprise. Well I had my explanation down in about 10 minutes followed by doing the artwork in giving vision to said explanation showing the expansion of our early universe, along with our twin, from the God like point of view. God being a native life form evolved from the Superverse, and thus able to be an observer inside the Superverse; causally connected to it. Then recursively I apply the same pattern in creating this artwork showing the feeding super-massive black holes in the quark-gluon plasma of the early universe leading to the formation of spiral galaxies surrounded by dark matter halos. [64]

Illustration of the expanding atmospheres method for the kilonova AT2017gfo. a) Epoch 1 X-shooter spectrum with overlaid blackbody fits. The normalisation for each blackbody is set by the crosssectional radius, which requires an a priori distance (here assuming the cosmological parameters from the Planck mission) and cross-sectional velocity, \( v_\perp \). Smaller (red), equal (green), or greater (blue) values of \( v_\perp \) are shown, in comparison to the best-fit velocity, \( v_\parallel \) b) Illustration of \( v_\parallel \) and \( v_\perp \) which are respectively set by the P Cygni absorption feature and the blackbody normalisation. c) Zoom in of the Sr II absorption component residual obtained by subtracting the X-shooter epoch 1 spectrum from the blackbody continuum fit. The P Cygni profiles for vsmaller (red), equal (green), or greater (blue) than vfit are overlaid. The continuum measurement and absorption line fit yield velocities in tight agreement. [64]
By studying the evolution of the spectral light of the AT2017gfo kilonova event Sneppin and his colleagues identified the expected strontium ion signature coming from the gaseous expulsion given of by the actual kilonova itself. By studying the evolution of the light, taken over the course of several weeks as the nova fades, astronomers are able to build a velocity profile, both in the horizontal and vertical, that allows them to see the resultant shape of the newly born nebula. Because of the twin kinematics arising from the collision of two neutron stars everyone expected an asymmetrical explosion. So the discovery that the strontium ions whose P-Cygni spectral profile, from the observed light, showed a spherically symmetrical explosion was a complete shock to everyone. In addition a shape analysis of the spectral lines also, and independently, confirm that the AT2017gfo kilonova between two neutron stars is in fact symmetrically spherical from the very start.
To quote the abstract "We conclude that energy injection by radioactive decay is insufficient to make the ejecta spherical. A magnetar wind or jet from the black-hole disk could inject enough energy to induce a more spherical distribution in the overall ejecta, however an additional process seems necessary to make the element distribution uniform.", end quote.
Grinning the Chershire Cat asks, "So what is that 'additional process'?"
The Superverse has its own speed of light limit across its electromagnetic field. But the local field caught in the middle of the ringularity as it forms is also entrapped. The flow of spacetime from the Superverse down into the ringularity and then around it and back up is going faster than the speed of Super-light, photons of the Superverse. Off course, "Wither the speed of a Super-photon is equal to the speed of photons across our electromagnetic field?", does become the question. But operating by the same rules of Relativity the Superverse has a speed limit by the law of self-similarity. So what happens when two entrapped manifolds of spacetime are being inflated with a quark-gluon plasma, be it in the Superverse or AT2017gfo, where that speed limit is being exceeded by the matter being ejected in from the associated white hole. Well the entrapped manifolds expand in all directions in equal measure constrained by a given verses speed of light.
The "additional process" that is not accounted for is the birth and expansion of a pair of subverses whose expansion is driven by the expulsion of the quark-gluon plasma from the white hole and into the two entrapped manifolds of spacetime that are a newly born twin pair of verses inside our own universe; hence the name "subverse". As the flow of spacetime below the event horizon of the newly born black hole is faster than the speed of light then causes me to say that the rate of this expulsion, from the white hole, is faster than the speed of light. However, Special Relativity forbids this faster than light expansion and thus the explosion and expansion of the subverses is constrained. Thus rendering answer to the exact how and why our universe had spherical symmetry which in turn led to the homogenous and isotropic expulsion and distribution of matter in the very early epoch of existence.
Then as, we follow through, I apply the exact same logic to the evolution of early galaxies in that their Supermassive black holes feed giving rise to the same kinematic pattern that is the very fractal of creation. And as for God, He was doing a massive number on my head for one. I could tell you some tales that would turn your hair white. Like the time I went and did a vlog about what my underlying spiritual beliefs and my reasoned argument for God in context of Darwin's Theory of Evolution. And in the middle of taking a break between recording it I happen to see a series of extremely important papers in regards to doppler comparisons between the CMB Dipole and Quaser Groups. The vlog of which I did the very next day and of which we previously have just discussed. [105][106]
Though in answering my previous question "What is the speed of a Super-photon?" I lean into the fact that General Relativity tells us that knowledge and information move across the gravitational field at the speed of light. If the sun were to suddenly vanish we would only learn about it 8 minutes later. However a photon is of the omnipresent electro-magnetic field and Super-photon a particle of the Superverse's electro-magnetic field, ripped and inside to us the gravitational field, where we find both have the same speed limit. Namely, the speed of light.
Returning back now to the alternative hypothesis, namely Inflation Theory and the Standard Model of Cosmology, I now officially name my bitch. The mistake was to come at the creation problem from a purely quantum perspective and relegate general relativity to one of scale when the Kerr metric describes what happens to scale. The quantum version of inflation, by the unprovable decay of the inflationary field, which invents matter from nothing is responsible for "quantum fluctuations" in the very early universe. Seriously, can theological cosmologists from around the world hear yourselves talking about "matter from nothing". Theological or theoretical cosmology well I do both in spades holding my trophy high which really turned my beard white. [114][115]
The quantum theory of inflation is in effect a mathematical symphony that answers many of the underlying problems facing cosmologists back in the 70s and 80s. It describes the faster than light growth of an infinitely dense point, the singularity, that grows as a perfectly homogeneous and isotropic spherical volume from infinitely small to about the size of pea. In this perfect ordering of everything both matter and anti-matter are created in near equal measure. Well I say “near” because for every billion particles of anti-matter there are a billion and one particles of matter; and we say that because of the Kaon particle only. It is this one out of a billion that manages to survive the resultant annihilation that then goes on to form all the matter in the universe. All the while maintaining the perfect order of being homogenous and isotropic as it undergoes inflation. [116]
Given that our universe exists as we see it homogeneous and isotropic coupled with the fact that relativity and scale-invariance tells us that the Superverse has a speed limit and that a kilonova has an observed symmetrically spherical explosion is my best arguement for the existence of the Superverse. Fractal geometry is the cosmological principle and the whole is found by studying the pattern inside; that pattern a kilonova. Dark enegy, that mass energy belonging to the temporally separated, but not spatially separated, surrounding Superverse is proof of this true collosus of scale. In turn it gives a causal reason as to exactly how and why our early universe was able to expand with spherical symmetry as it is being fed with the quark-gluon plasma which came from the Superverse's most homogenous and isotropic form of matter; two Super-neutron stars.
How two Super-neutron stars or just neutron stars come to be in such close proximity has proven to be bit of a mystery. A core-collapse supernova large enough to give birth to a neutron star was thought to be of such magnitude that the orbit of any nearby binary partner star would blow said partner away from it. However as core-collapse supernova giving birth to a neutron star, as opposed to a hypernova which gives birth to a black hole, there is no birth of a pair of subverses. Where as, for the exact same reason as just given I predict that such hypernovae should also have spherical symmetry. [124]
But when giving birth to a neutron star the explosion is asymmetrical, or rather bi-polar, aligned in the direction of the gamma-ray burst. Thus such a core-collapse supernova explosion and birth of a neutron star produces a shaped charge whose direction is orientated with the dying star's axis of rotation which is mostly likely orthogonal to the orbital plane it has with its stellar partner. Meaning the resultant supernova does not blow the other star away. Or that is my thinking having only just learnt about the identification and the dynamics of such a system found in our own Milky Way galaxy, 11,000 light years from us. Having just recorded the previous paragraphs. [125][126]
You kind of get used to it after a while. Highly improbable events being called in from heaven that are danger close provoking a very human reaction.
But it can't be said that such higher powers are not without a wicked sense of humour loving to play April Fool's jokes having just learnt a new word. That word being Blitzar. A Blitzar is to quote Wikipedia "A hypothetical type of neutron star, specifically pulsars that can rapidly collapse into black holes if their spinning slows down. Heino Falcke and Luciano Rezzolla proposed these stars in 2013 as an explanation for fast radio bursts". So a Blitzar is the proposed name of the object which this film has literally been discussing. [117]
Though this work is in relation to finding a source and explanation for highly polarised fast radio bursts. The direct observational evidence linking a known binary neutron star merger, using LIGO's gravitational wave orrery, and fast radio bursts was published in Nature a couple of days ago. Though it is the, to quote, "spinning slows down" in the Blitzars's definition that has my attention coupled with the question "But what if the spinning doesn't slow down or is unstable?". The subject of which will most likely be the central focus of my next film in talking about pair instability supernovae and BOATS; brightest of all time. Yet another highly improbable event originating from 2 billion light years away that literally effected the entire Earth's atmosphere which happens, to quote "1 in 10,000 years". Kilonova research is certainly the most divinely active field of research in all of science. Particularly when your evolution and immortality as an ecosystem of souls depends on it as a matter of survival. But to be honest the whole experience of this at times just quite gives me the screaming heebie-jeebies. [118][119][120][121][122][123] [127][128]
In creating vision of said hypothesis we have just seen why the universe is homogeneous and isotropic. But in terms of explaining the large scale anisotropies seen in both the lower multipole CMB maps and then in the final high resolution map; I have two competing theories.
The first hypothesis is born of the final shape seen in the high resolution map. Namely, we see two spiral arms, one hot and one cold, in the southern hemisphere. The epicentre of the spiral arms are two adjacent spots, a hot spot and the cold spot; or rather CMB Cold Spot as it is known, of which I explain in my essay of that title. It was seeing this twin spiral armed pattern that forced me to go from using a hypernova, as my explanation, to using a kilonova. As this matched the pattern of how gravitational waves form inside a kilonova I changed my hypothesis from being the Big Bang Hypernova Hypothesis to the Big Bang Kilonova Hypothesis. [110]
So as the two Super-neutron stars of the Superverse, like neutron stars inside our universe, as they spiral into towards one another they emit gravitational waves; that ripple out across the fabric of the Superverse. The shape of these waves forms a double helical spiral in whose epicentre are the two stars spiralling into towards one another. As the two stars spiral in closer both the magnitude and frequency of these waves continues to increase. Then at the point of collision the largest wave is emitted after which the magnitude of the waves decreases exponentially.
As the ringularity and its associated black hole are born the spacetime fabric of the Superverse within the ringularity’s centre becomes entrapped. The entrapped fabric of the Superverse’s electromagnetic field inside the ringularity begins to inflate and expand being driven by the flow of spacetime from the Superverse down into the ringularity and then back up and out, via the newly born white hole. Coupled to this the quark-gluon plasma and atomised mass of the two neutron stars in turn falls into and through the ringularity such that it becomes entrapped inside our newly born universe the pressure from which also drives the process of inflation.
As noted, the rate at which our universe can expand is restricted by the Superverse’s speed of light limit. Just as the rate of expansion of a subverse, born from a kilonova inside our universe, is restricted by the speed of light; as nothing can travel faster than light. Now the main vector of travel and force of the matter being ejected via the white hole, located in the polar region, is unidirectional along the axis of rotation away from the newly born black hole. The resultant signature of this single direction of travel through the ringularity and into our newly born universe is seen in the CMB Dipole. The simple fact is that us, along with the rest of the universe, is moving in the same general direction and this is seen both globally in the CMB Dipole, then seen when comparing the doppler shift of quasar groups and more locally in how our local galaxy cluster, the Local Group, flows around the volume of the Local Void towards the Shapley Supercluster; an idea formerly known as dark flow. [94][105][106][129][130]
Now as the flow of spacetime into the black hole is equal to the speed of light at the event horizon, by definition, and superluminal below said horizon, when extrapolated leads me to say that the matter being ejected, via the white hole, is moving faster than the speed of light. However this faster than light ejection of matter is constrained by the Superverse’s speed of light limit. Because the rate of expansion is constrained the primary unidirectional flow of plasma fans out such that it pushes equally in all directions against the entrapped surface. Thus the rate of inflation, in the initial epoch, of our universe is constrained by the Superverse’s speed of light limit thus giving rise to a spherically symmetrical expansion. Now, as noted by Georges Lemaître, spherical symmetry is a fundamental requirement for the development of Friedmann’s equations describing an expanding universe. Because the rate of expansion is constrained by the speed limit of the Superverse we have answer to how this requirement of spherical symmetry is fulfilled.
In turn, we can apply the exact same argument to a pair of subverses being born inside our universe in order to explain the unexpected symmetrically spherical expansion of the observed binary neutron star merger AT2017gfo. [64]
But we should note that there are two entrapped surfaces of spacetime that inflate forth from the newly born rotational black hole. Meaning that one entrapped manifold inflates from the north pole and its parallel opposite inflates from the south pole. The spherical expansion of each of the newly born verses downwards causes the accretion disc to become sandwiched in between the two of them. Like pushing two balloons together the two verses equally repel one another which further constrains the expansion of each by the other.
Within the plasma of each verse the atomised Super neutron star matter transmutes into becoming the Supermassive black holes of that verse which in turn begin to feed. The exact same fractal pattern of creation is seen in the spherical expansion of the subverses born from the Supermassive black holes. As each of the two verses push down and in towards each other the initially homogenous plasma is sandwiched into forming a quasar accretion disc which will cool down into forming spiral galaxies surrounded by dark matter haloes.
But with respect to a kilonova and the Big Bang Kilonova specifically the shape of the Superverse’s spacetime fabric around the accretion disc has been warped by the aforementioned gravitational waves. So as our universe expands outwards and downwards onto the accretion disc it follows the curvature of the gravitational waves.
The phase of each of the gravitational waves are polar opposite with respect to each other. The phase of the blue gravitational wave is in the upwards direction such that the wave forms a crest above the plane of the equatorial. The downward expansion of our universe onto this wave crest indents the shape of our universe pushing its surface upwards. As the crescent wave impinges itself onto the shape of our universe it pushes matter away from it.
In inverse the phase of the red gravitational wave is in the downwards direction such that the wave forms a trough below the plane of the equatorial. The downward expansion of our universe into this wave trough allows our universe to expand into the volume of the gravitational wave. The creation of this additional volume sweeps the surrounding plasma up and into the wave trough. Thus the red gravitational wave’s trough collects matter and in symmetrical opposition the blue gravitational wave pushes matter away from its crescent.
As our universe expands, from this initial epoch, the pressure driving it lessens as the quark-gluon plasma cools down in to forming protons and neutrons. This lessening of the pressure and the ever decreasing density of the now ionised plasma of our early universe means the rate and force of expansion has slowed down such that the constraint from the Superverse’s speed of light limit is not so much applicable. As this spherical constriction of this constraint falls the repulsion of our universe upwards and away from our parallel twin verse of entrapped antimatter begins. Again, as seen by the CMB Dipole, the main flow of expansion of our universe is a single unidirectional trajectory along the black hole’s axis of rotation.
3D Spherical viewer for Mollweide projected images showing the high resolution map of the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation by ESA Planck’s mission with the large scale anisotropies and cold spot enhanced. Use your mouse to left-click on the sphere in order to drag and rotate the sphere. [110]
As our universe rebounds up and away the curvature of our universe following the two gravitational waves then flattens back out. As matter was forced away from the formation of the wave crescent then the region of the universe in which this crescent formed has a lower mass-energy density concentration and thus we get a cold spiral upon the final high-resolution map of the CMB. Vice versa, as matter filled up the wave trough it thus leads to a higher concentration of mass-energy density in this volume when it becomes flattened out. This higher concentration of mass-energy density in turn translates into the formation of a hot spiral upon the final high-resolution map of the CMB. [110]
Now the reason for saying that the indentation of the gravitational waves upon our universe flattens out is because the curvature of spacetime within the Superverse is mostly flat. For the exact same reason as we have curvature of spacetime inside our universe being caused by the concentration of mass-energy density and without it space is flat thus implies, by the law of scale invariance, that the shape of the Superverse’s vacuum is also flat. As our universe is expanding into the vacuum of the Superverse which is flat gives rise to the fact that we see a flat universe when measuring its curvature from the CMB. Off course, it is mostly flat but it is also entrapped creating a closed universe of which evidence is seen in Planck’s CMB data. [131] [132]
In comparison the presence of the CMB Dipole and the CMB large scale anisotropies according to the Lambda-CDM model’s version of inflation is to ignore this evidence as it goes against the religious principle that is the standing cosmological principle. Next it creates matter from nothing because well “quantum theory” violating the principle that energy can neither be created or destroyed. The inflation of the perfectly spherical and homogeneous and isotropic universe happens because of a theoretical quantum inflationary field which apparently now decays. Meaning we have no experimental evidence or observation of said made up field. As for why and how spherical symmetry is maintained no reason is given. That and no reason is given for why the universe is homogenous and isotropic but rather is assumed to be the binding principle of all things. [133][134][135][136][137][138] [139][140]
So that in a nutshell, is my first hypothesis.
But in looking at and in considering the lower multipole maps of the CMB a second hypothesis emerges that gives rise to a way of testing hypothesises in regards to quantum gravity. In order for our entrapped manifold of spacetime to become entrapped it had to pass through the ringularity. In saying this let us reconsider the two separate and causally disconnected regions we discussed earlier. Both regions would have had to travel through and thus been shaped by the ringularity. That which is passing through the ringularity is the fabric of the Superverse which is scaled down and crushed by the black hole. The greatest point of contraction is inside the bounds of the ringularity; the entrapped wormhole. Meaning that any large scale structures that are seen across the entire cosmos, such as the large scale anisotropies of the lower multipole CMB maps, could be there because of the ringularity. In effect these maps could be seen as our window into the ringularity itself.
It was in considering the octopole map, which shows 3 full waveforms, spread out over the entire cosmos that really caused me to consider this. In applying my hypothesis that such a formation could form because of the gravitational waves rippling out across the Superverse the shape of our universe, when viewed in cross-section, would have three lobes surrounded by three crests. Visualising the kinematics, we start with an elastic circle, that being the cross-section of our balloon universe, and draw an equilateral triangle inside such that its corners intersect the circumference of the circle. At the corners of the equilateral triangle we apply equal force at the three points in towards the centre. The resultant force, at one of the points, would push the surface inwards, leading to the formation of a crest, surrounded by two saddles. The net effect of three inward forces would cause our elastic circle to deform into such a circular shape with three lobes; the required shape to produce such a waveform as seen in the octopole map.
However, with gravitational waves the number of separate waves, from what I can see, is always an even number. The harmonics of the twin spiral wave pattern that emanates from the two Super neutron stars is even and not odd. Two waves, being in the first harmonic; four waves, in the second harmonic; eight waves, in the third harmonic: the multiple of the waves is always an even number. But the octopole map shows three full waveforms which is an odd number.
My second consideration about the octopole map comes in thinking about the orientation, size and shape of the six lobes. There orientation is running in a general north to south direction. There shape and size runs almost the entire length of the universe as a whole from north to south. Now for reasons, I have laid out in previous essays, I say that the rotational white hole that birthed our universe is to be found in the CMB Cold Spot. This is located down, adjacent to the hot spot, in the southern polar region. So putting this all together, given my gravitational wave explanation, means that at one point the entire universe was shaped by a cylindrical shaped wave formation in which three full waves existed. But gravitational waves come in pairs and spiral outwards. There is no spiralling, or riffling, in the shape of the six lobes of the octopole map or in the second harmonic, \(l=6\) map.
So what could shape the entire universe as such if not gravitational waves? The one candidate is the ringularity itself. Like a cloth napkin being pulled through a napkin holder; so too is our universe going to be shaped by the ringularity. Given that the orientation of the lobes are perpendicular to where the newly born black hole of the Superverse is located the pattern is a fit. Meaning if we imagine our napkin holder, being a substitute for the ringularity, is shaped like the outer bounds of a Borromean ring with three lobes and we pull the fabric of our cloth universe through it the shape of the cloth would be a cylindrical Borromean ring.
One of the immediate appeals to a Borromean ring or a hexagonal shaped formation is the number six. Six is both a multiple of two and three. Electrons, protons and neutrons, known collectively as fermions, all have spin of a half; one divided by two. Protons and neutrons are composed of quarks with spins of one third, one divided by three, or two thirds, two divided by three. The least common denominator of both two and three is six. So in describing the genesis of particles the number six is extremely important in describing how they got their intrinsic angular momentum.
In considering the ringularity itself we know it has rotation. If it had no rotation then the ringularity would be a point singularity. Another consideration comes in how one could describe a rotational black hole as being a vortex of irrotational flow. In fact vortices in fluid simulations are used as an analog model in order to understand the mechanics of rotational black holes. It is this mechanics of concentric irrotational flow, such as seen in the south pole of Saturn, that I first pointed to as being inspiration for understanding the formation of our universe. The hexagonal storm of Saturn being a cross-section through our balloon manifold we call our universe. Again, remember fractal geometry is the cosmological principle and thus that pattern is repeated irrespective of scale; even if it be the storm system on a gaseous planet which reveals that pattern.
But the ringularity is a place of near infinite curvature where only quantum mechanics gives description to the irrotational flow. As we discussed, in considering the inner core of a neutron star, we saw the pattern formed by irrotational quantum flow. Specifically, we saw the quantum vortices arranged in a hexagonal lattice formation where each vortex occupies a separate node on said lattice. We saw how such quantum vortices are believed to power the field strengths seen inside magnetars. We discussed how such a quantum vortex may cause “hot spots” to appear on the event horizon of black holes; leading to testable hypothesis about the nature of the ringularity.
To this I will add my top card in my pack: Martin Tajmar’s experiment showing frame-dragging coming from the rotation of liquid helium. Meaning I have an experiment showing the generation of artificial gravity in a manner similar to how electricity is generated by a dynamo. This experiment is based around the formation of irrotational quantum flow within the liquid helium which as we’ve seen naturally forms a hexagonal lattice of quantum vortices. It is for all these reasons that causes me to say that the lower multipole maps of the CMB are a window into the ringularity that effectively shaped and gave birth to our universe; including its fundamental particles with half and third integer spins. [35][36][37]
Now, as usual, I initially wanted to explain only the first hypothesis about gravitational waves shaping the CMB. But in the process of writing I yet again find just the greatest vein of knowledge to start exploring. The question ringing in mind “Did I just invent a whole new field of science?”, here being the study of the ringularity. Well that’s ring lore for you!
With all the ground work laid out I can now finally present my vision. That vision showing the actual exact moment of when our universe was born and why. The whole idea of black holes being actual physical phenomena was born from Penrose’s idea of entrapped manifolds of spacetime. Essentially, an entrapped manifold of spacetime is a description of spacetime that is enclosed. Meaning that photons inside the enclosed volume of spacetime are unable to escape the enclosure. The event horizon of a black hole is one such enclosure because it is defined as being the surface at which the escape velocity is the speed of light. Photons inside the event horizon will be unable to escape this enclosure because inside the black hole the escape velocity is greater than the speed of light. As nothing travels faster than the speed of light it implies that anything inside the black hole will never be able to escape back out into the universe.
We can best visualise this process of entrapment of spacetime manifolds by viewing the fabric of spacetime as a rubber sheet pulled tight. To see the curvature we draw a regular grid upon the fabric of the sheet. When no mass is present, being in empty space, the curvature of spacetime is flat as is the sheet with nothing on it. Putting a spherical weight on the rubber sheet pulls the elastic fabric down and around the volume of the spherical weight. In turn we can see how the regular grid symmetrically deforms in a manner that is similar to the way mass-energy density deforms the fabric of spacetime. So effectively, we have a visual analog of how the weight of a spherical astrophysical body deforms the fabric of spacetime, as described by General Relativity.
The heavier the weight upon the sheet the greater the force that is exerted downwards on to the sheet. This leads to an increase in the curvature of the sheet in the downward direction. For example, a tennis ball will exert only a small amount of force downwards deforming the sheet downwards only slightly. Replace the tennis ball with a solid ball made out of iron, which is much heavier, and the rubber sheet will be pulled down even further. As the weight of the spherical object increases the greater the curvature becomes as the elastic sheet is pulled down more and more. Use a ball of lead, of the same size, and the sheet is pulled down even further deforming its curvature to a far greater degree. So it is with General Relativity the greater the mass of a body the greater the curvature there is in the fabric of spacetime. Looking at our sheet and ball in cross-section we see this curvature increase for each of our three balls; the tennis ball, for the ball of iron and the ball of lead.
We now replace these balls with even heavier astrophysical bodies, starting with a white dwarf. A white dwarf is so dense, being made of electron-degenerate matter, that a sugar-cube of it would weigh around 5 tonnes. The force downwards, coming from its extreme weight, then bends our imaginary rubber sheet downwards to such a degree that the white dwarf sits at the bottom of a rather deep trough; when seen in cross-section. The required escape velocity to climb up out of this trough is large but it is less than the speed of light. Meaning a photon will take time to climb out of the trough, orbiting the white dwarf as it goes, but it can escape the gravitational pull of the white dwarf.
More extreme, we now replace the white dwarf with a neutron star. Being composed of neutron-degenerate matter, where a sugar-cube weighs 5 billion tonnes, the force exerted downwards upon the sheet creates an even deeper trough; as compared to the white dwarf. This increase in the gradient of the spacetime curvature greatly increases the required escape velocity from the neutron star. However this escape velocity is still less, but almost, the speed of light. So a photon emitted from the surface of the neutron star will take even longer to climb up out of the trough before it is able to escape. But escape it can.
We now replace the neutron star with a black hole. The simplest solution of General Relativity, the Schwarzschild metric, describes the most commonly known and simplest black hole; the Schwarzschild black hole. The matter in the Schwarzschild black hole is described as being crushed down to a single point where the curvature of spacetime becomes infinite; the singularity. Or rather the density of the body is so great that the neutron-degenerate pressure is no longer sufficient to hold the weight of its structure up so it undergoes total gravitational collapse down to a single point of infinite density and curvature. Placed on our rubber sheet this point of infinite density drops downwards towards infinity. As we follow the path down in towards the infinite depths of the black hole the greater the escape velocity will become. At some point, on our way down to infinity, we cross a point where the escape velocity is equal to the speed of light; this is the event horizon of the black hole. From this point on nothing can escape the pull of the singularity and we are inside the entrapped manifold of spacetime that is the black hole.

Penrose diagram of a Schwarzschild black hole.
This critical point of no return effectively divides our rubber sheet into two areas. That area of the sheet whose surface is below the event horizon and the rest of the sheet which is outside of the black hole’s event horizon. Using a Penrose Diagram we can visualise this separation between these two surfaces of spacetime, one of which is entrapped. Specifically, the Penrose Diagram shows the Schwarzschild solution where the bottom-right diamond is the universe and the triangle in the top-left is the interior of the black hole itself. Or the diamond is the surface of the sheet outside of the event horizon and the triangle the surface inside the event horizon.
The genius of Penrose diagram’s comes in there ability to map an infinite expanse inside a finite shape; such as the diamond. Like points on a compass each point on the diamond points to either to an infinitely far of point in space or an infinitely far of point in time; the south pointing into the infinite past and the north pointing towards the infinite future. The contours of both space and time with their tangental curvature move from one infinite point, at the corners, to another infinite point. The contours are such that any line at 45 degrees represents a photon travelling at the speed of light.
As an example, a photon emitted by the hypernova that gave birth to a black hole which then becomes entrapped on the newly formed event horizon, begins its journey at the left-hand corner. The future light cone of the photon points in towards the black hole and its past light cone out into the universe. Entrapped on the event horizon the photon forever traverses the event horizon neither escaping or falling in; as it is in an infinite free fall orbit upon the event horizon. This path of travel upon the event horizon into the infinite future is plotted as a worldline upon the event horizon of the Penrose diagram which runs at 45 degrees.
The point singularity forms the top line of the black hole’s triangle upon the diagram as anything trapped inside the black hole is destined to fall down and onto the singularity.
In two previous essays, “What is a hypernova? and “General Relativity and Rotation”, I explored the importance of rotation and it is here that I made one of my most critical breakthroughs. That breakthrough was in realising the importance rotation played first in the pattern of a hypernova and then in General Relativity. The importance comes in the description given to a black hole when using a different metric solution. Namely, the Kerr metric is a solution of General Relativity that accounts for an astrophysical body's rotation about its poles; upon its axis of rotation.
The reason this is so important is that it changes the whole script about the nature of the point singularity. When we look at an extended Penrose diagram showing the complete solution of the Kerr metric the entire nature of the black hole changes as a wormhole opens up which leads to a white hole and out into a pair of new parallel universes. The rotation of the point singularity at the core causes it to open up into a ring shaped circle of infinite density and curvature, the ringularity. This ringularity opens up a wormhole inside the rotational black hole which symmetrically leads to the reverse solution, the white hole; and out in to either one of the two new universes. For a more complete description I point to my previous episode in which I lay out the Big Bang Kilonova Hypothesis from end to end for the very first time.
It is at this point I wish to specifically point to Nikodem Poplawski’s work. Nikodem Poplawski is a Polish theoretical physicist whose work and hypothesis describes how every black hole could be a doorway to another universe and that our universe was formed within a black hole which itself exists in a larger universe. In effect, Poplawski’s work is the closest description I have found yet that aligns with my hypothesis. Even better, he provides a full mathematical description of his cosmological model which is the closest formulation to the hypothesis that I am trying to layout.
Poplawski’s description employs a formulation of General Relativity called the Einstein-Cartan theory which extends it to describe matter with an intrinsic angular momentum. Using the torsion tensor that arises from the rotational spin of matter Poplawski’s work shows how this gives rise to a repulsive force which stops the total gravitational collapse of the ringularity upon itself. Meaning the ringularity itself is not a flat ring of infinite density and curvature. Rather the rotation of the ringularity generates torsion which in turn creates a form of degenerate pressure which stops the total gravitational collapse of the ringularity. In effect, it stops the equations from blowing up to infinity which is completely paradoxical given that the mass of a black hole is finite.
Rather I see the ringularity as being the final form of matter. Or rather the third form of degenerate matter. Meaning a white dwarf is composed of electron-degenerate matter; the first form. A white dwarf can collapse down to a neutron star. A neutron star is composed of neutron-degenerate matter; the second form. A neutron star can collapse down into a black hole, as we are about to see in exquisite detail. By extension, I apply the same connection as a white dwarf has to neutron star in that both are formed from degenerate matter. This Einstein-Cartan formulation gives description to a ringularity whose degenerate pressure arises from the torsion within its intrinsic angular momentum, or spin.
Having now laid out all the pieces we can finally look at how our entrapped manifold of spacetime, that we call the universe, was born in the context of the Big Bang Kilonova Hypothesis.
Returning back to our rubber sheet denoting the curvature of spacetime we have two neutron stars of the Superverse. As before, the weight of each star bends the fabric of spacetime down into a deep circular trough. This curvature causes the two stars to orbit one another and with each consecutive orbit it brings them closer to the other as they spiral into towards each other. The orbital rotation of the two neutron stars about each other acts as the source which emits gravitational waves whose spiral pattern ripples out across the fabric of the Superverse.
As we discussed, arising from the extreme gravitational exertion that each star has upon the other coupled with the warping of spacetime the once spherical surface becomes elongated. First turning egg shaped before becoming elongated and stretched out into being pair shaped. As the two stars are in orbit around one another the now pair shaped stars become stretched out around their respective orbits. As each star gets closer to the other this elongation and stretching out of the star eventually forms a ring. It is the gravitational collapse of this ring that gives birth to the ringularity and the rotational black hole.
From a symbolic stand point this is Ouroboros; the snake that eats its own tale. Or rather it is a twin Ouroboros where each snake or deformed neutron star encircles the other to eat the other. As a bit of a D&D nerd I can’t help but think of the creation story of Ahriman and Jazirian. The actual double Ouroboros symbol of two snakes devouring themselves can be seen as the inflation of two balloon universes. The sign of infinity.
But in order to see how and why our universe was born we now consider the gravitational collapse of our soon to be ringularity. Due to the extreme mass of the ring formed by the merger of the two neutron stars the spacetime curvature becomes so extreme that the escape velocity exceeds the speed of light and the event horizon of the rotational black hole is born. Thus our first entrapped manifold of spacetime comes into existence.
In imagining the actual physical collisions between the two neutron stars as they merge I imagine two models. In one model both the neutron stars physically shatter upon first contact because they effectively collide at a speed close to the speed of light. In the second model those surfaces and volumes within each of the stars that directly collide with the other shatters; the rest of the star remains intact. I tend towards the second model because, as we discussed, the strength of the internal structure of a neutron star, the nuclear pasta, has a tensile strength quintillion times stronger than steel. Effectively, the strongest material in the universe.
Those parts of the neutron star that do collide with the other are essentially vaporised. The enormous kinetic energy from the collision is transformed into heat energy which turns the released neutrons into a quark-gluon plasma. Thus the most primordial ingredient required by particle physicists in explaining the actual Big Bang theory is thus created. Or to put it another way physicists at the LHC or Fermilab collide heavy ions together in order to create a quark-gluon plasma. So in asking the question “Where did the quark-gluon plasma in the early universe come from?” here is the answer; with respect to the Big Bang Kilonova Hypothesis.
In answering the question “Exactly where and when was our universe born?”, we now look to the centre of the forming ringularity. As the curvature of spacetime becomes more extreme the closer we are to the surface of the collapsing ring it thus inversely implies that the curvature is at its least in the centre. We freeze the moment in time where the curvature around the ringularity is at the critical point where the escape velocity in the area surrounding the surface of the ringularity is equal to the speed of light.
In this exact moment the event horizon is born around the ringularity itself. The black hole is born as a ring with the space inside the ringularity itself becoming entrapped by the ringularity. Or rather the spacetime fabric of the Superverse becomes entrapped which can be split into three separate regions. Looking at the cross-section we first see the the surrounding Superverse. This is followed by the entrapped manifold of spacetime which envelopes the ringularity; the newly born black hole. Then in the very middle of the ring there is an entrapped manifold of spacetime that is above the critical point that defines the event horizon. It is this entrapped manifold of spacetime that is our universe being born.
Another line of thought proposes that because of the mass-energy density of the quark-gluon plasma entrapped within this ring the entrapped manifold doesn’t actually form at this exact moment because the event horizon of the newly born black hole covers the interior of the ring itself. However we must consider the flow of spacetime within the rotational black hole. The flow at first is down towards the ringularity after falling in through the event horizon. This flow then enters the entrapped spatial geodesic that is the wormhole itself.
Now it is here that I part ways from Nikodem Poplawski’s distinction of a wormhole. In fact, if there is only one small adjustment or tweak that I make in comparison to everyone else it is in this critical distinction. Namely, the wormhole, like the surrounding entrapped manifolds of spacetime is itself also entrapped. Meaning this wormhole does not extend through some higher dimension, or bulk, such that it appears in a new and completely separate bubble of spacetime. Rather the entrapped manifold of spacetime inflates inside the Superverse itself. Thus the entrapped manifold inside the ring will inflate into the surrounding region of the Superverse where the rotational black hole is born.
The reason the shape of the universe is mostly seen as being flat, from measuring the CMB, is because the spacetime fabric of the Superverse is itself flat. Also the universe is seen to be closed, at the Planck scale, from analysis of the Planck’s mission of the CMB. So in terms of overall geometry and shape of our universe the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation shows a universe that is both flat and closed which matches our theoretical description of our universe being an entrapped manifold of spacetime which is inflating into the mostly flat Superverse.
Like blowing a balloon up inside a room. The existence of the room precedes our ability to be inside the room in order to blow up a balloon. So too does the Superverse exist, like the room, into which our universe is inflating, like the balloon being blown up inside the room. In the time before the Big Bang the Superverse itself existed. Then recursively, the Super-super-verse existed in a time before it gave birth to our parent Superverse. Fractal geometry is the cosmological principle and recursion is the key.
Continuing to follow the flow as it traverses the entrapped wormhole our direction of travel changes. In falling down towards the ringularity the flow of the spacetime fabric is around the outside of the ringularity, following its circumference, till we are on inside of the ringularity. On the outside the flow is in a downwards direction. Vice versa, on the inside of the ringularity the flow is reversed in the upwards direction. As the flow of spacetime is in the reverse direction to the black hole then we have in effect a time-reversed black hole; namely a white hole. And it is from this white hole that the balloon manifold, that is our universe, does inflate.
Though I more think of the exact birth of our universe as being like an explosive volcano that erupts under the release of pressure within the magma chamber. The magma chamber deep down inside is the quark-gluon plasma which is on the inside of the ringularity. This magma chamber is fed by the matter from the accretion disc formed by the atomisation and shattering of the two neutron stars which subsequently falls into the newly born rotational black hole of the Superverse. The direction of flow is down towards the ringularity which has now opened up into becoming the entrapped wormhole.
As more matter falls in the greater the pressure from within this nuclear plasma chamber which builds up like a chamber of magma; its pressure always increasing. Following the flow of spacetime in the reverse direction upwards. The pressure within this entrapped manifold chamber pushes the roof of the chamber ever upwards until a critical point is reached as this chamber erupts; giving birth to a rotational white hole which is born in tandem with our universe. The pressure from the quark-gluon plasma is released and the actual real Big Bang happens.
Like a super volcano the sudden release of pressure, coming from the birth of our universe, upon the quark-gluon plasma forces the eruption. The ever inflating balloon that is filled with the quark-gluon plasma erupting forth from the white hole. This plasma now released in turn cools quickly such that it cools down enough that quarks and gluons bind and the protons and neutrons of the universe are then formed. Thus our universe is born my vision complete.
Off course, there is a lot of detail I am trying to convey. One key part being how different entrapped manifolds of spacetime are formed in considering the dynamics of a collapsing ringularity. Another being how the ringularity is formed within the heart of a kilonova from the warping of the two stars themselves. Lastly the collision of the stars themselves, as well as there existent cores, give rise to the creation of a quark gluon plasma which is the description of the very early universe; as agreed by scientific consensus.
The most important thing is that in rendering this vision it has allowed me to sketch out the bounds for how I need to go about describing my cosmological model in purely mathematical terms. At the end of the day I need to quantify this such that I can develop computation models that show the validity of my hypothesis in terms of calculation.
With all that said my vision is complete and prediction made it is time to wrap this episode up. But before going, a quick word from the sponsor of this video.
This video and all my related work is thanks to the symbolic engravings that are to be found upon two bone ossuaries excavated by archaeologists during the development of Peace Park, in November 1990. As is evident, I make no apologies for using ancient symbology as means of artistic inspiration in developing my hypothesis as fractal geometry is the cosmological principle and thus self-similar patterns repeat themselves irrespective of scale; even if that scale is the scale of our own works of art. Meaning my belief is that the structure of the universe is encoded in artwork of those things which we humans hold as being most holy and sacred. So in the act of creating the Big Bang Kilonova Hypothesis it has only been natural to act out that belief; even if it goes against every scientific fibre in my being. But given that a kilonova is actually the mythical philosopher’s stone I feel vindication in myself as that one fact is not subjective, as art is, but objective; as in the spectral signature of gold is seen in the light emitted from kilonova events.
Meaning I view all my work to this point in two ways. Firstly, there is the obvious, in I view it as my best effort to communicate the evidence and reasoning for how and why our universe was born. Each work building upon the other; while each being revelation in itself. For instance, in writing this I finally got full answer to the question “Why is the universe homogenous and isotropic?” and found a method to test ideas about quantum gravity. The second way I view my work is that I am trying to justify, as if to convince myself of such a conviction, that these ossuaries actually symbolise the entire birth of creation. Given that I am able to answer so many impossible questions in such a short period of time is proof of that to me. Many would call it a miracle; extremely unnerving I call it.
The problem is that at least one of these ossuaries is extremely infamous. Namely, the more ornate of the two ossuaries belonged to Joseph son of Caiaphas, who according to the Greek historian Herodotus and the New Testament, was the high priest who prosecuted one Jesus of Nazareth and had the Roman’s send him to the cross. Funnily enough Caiaphas the priest being mortal died and his mortal remains were then interred within this very ossuary. The One he prosecuted was not interred, but rose after three days leaving an empty tomb. The memory of rolling eggs down the hill at Easter, as a child, I learned that story.
But it is the other ossuary, the lesser known, which is simply inscribed with the name Caiaphas that has been the true source from which my hypothesis has flown. There is a story from Luke, Chapter-2 verse 41-52; about Jesus teaching the priests at the age of twelve. It is the only time between him being born and when he began His mission, at the age of thirty, that any mention is made of him growing up. So off all the stories to tell why this one? To show everyone that Jesus was some kind of Young Sheldon. Or was it to show the connection between Jesus and the priest clan of which Caiaphas senior was a member.
My basic point is that for a long time I have wondered “Is that his hand? Did Jesus actually draw this inscription himself?”. If knowing his end and the plan it would be the ultimate irony He sought to leave a message that would be hidden but preserved through the millennia through which God's grand plan for humanity would be revealed. It was on that step of faith that I took the leap from the lion’s head. I now feel like that of all the choices I ever made that one is the one that defines me the most. I now have the ultimate scientific prize the scientific story of creation: the Big Bang Kilonova Hypothesis. Even now writing and speaking these words I feel numb, making light, of a God level act; as I claw and cling to my humanity and cherishing the fragility of my own mortal experience.
Yes, has always been in the answer in my heart. The last great miracle of Jesus was not his resurrection. It was this!
Atheists have a joke about which people contributed the most to humanity naming “Newton, Darwin and Einstein”. Meaning they seek to ask “What was Jesus’s contribution to the story of science?”. Well, funny old world, guess who gets to have the last laugh on that one.
And to be honest, this does gladden my heart. Not because I’ve suddenly seen the light and found meaning in religion. Rather it is because western civilisation is built upon Christian foundations and to remove those foundations I feel would be the greatest tragedy. Human rights, the abolish of slavery, freedom of speech, freedom of ideas, freedom to associate, the sovereignty of the individual all flow from this foundation. All the things I have made use of upon my path in exercising supreme authority. Namely, the ability and freedom to express a truly revolutionary idea for there is nothing more dangerous in this world.
As an example, take the use of the word “relativism”, or the phrase “it is all relative”. Where did that come from? It came from Einstein’s theories of relativity in describing the relative passage of time which is not even noticeable until you start travelling close to the speed of light. But yet today we talk about “relativism” instead of “absolutism” in terms of peoples morality and belief. What effect me doing this is going to have given my pagan beliefs? After all where there is one soul creator there are many and I answer directly to Apollo.
But when push comes to shove I am a god fearing man. Meaning that in my heart I have always believed that one should live their life as if one were to stand in judgement and be accountable. Having a strong witness, I account for myself. But in taking a numerical interpretation of this piece, be it 666 or 616, that disturbed me more than anything. However, no object can tell me who I am for I already know myself. Though in a reverse-psychological way I felt compelled to take on the most impossible mission; to explain the Big Bang. Then beyond that having to communicate it; as introverted as I am.
The drive within me has been a conviction where I feel like the entire weight of the universe has been laid upon my shoulders. Alone I must be able to convince others about the scientific truth and validity of the hypothesis that I now preach. The very survival and future of humanity is at stake and failure is not an option; is how I phrase it to myself. After all I saw no else following the line of enquiry looking to study the birth of a known gravitational singularity, a black hole, to understanding the birth of an unknown singularity at the very heart of the Big Bang theory. So I placed that weight upon my shoulders, as to bear my cross, and now I’m able to give answer to impossible questions like, “Why is the universe homogeneous and isotropic?”
But behind it all has been the symbolism inscribed upon this ossuary. So in asking the question “Was this hand of Jesus?”. Yes, the hand that drew this piece was His hand. Miracles flow from this and this stone bleeds miracles! And so I present to you the Biblical Holy Grail. Or that is my conviction and belief at least; the sum of my work being my witness and evidence for said conviction.
So why do I have this conviction?
It begins with the artwork I drew in my very first attempt to try and communicate the ideas I had about the Big Bang. One line of enquiry was in regard to the unification of forces; the idea that the four fundamental forces of nature become a single unified force at the moment of the Big Bang. My original idea was to consider the structure of our universe as being formed as a series of concentric astrophysical jets; as opposed to being an entrapped manifold of spacetime, that idea came later. As each of the concentric ringed layers split off, or bifurcated away, from each other was where one force transformed into becoming two forces. For example, the electroweak force bifurcates and becomes the weak nuclear and the electromagnetic force.
Having come from a geological and geophysical background the method of analysis I used was to view the structural anatomy of the concentric layered jet in cross-section. In geology a section of seismic data is taken as a being like a 2D cross-section through the Earth. Other fields like radiography use cross-sectional analysis in viewing cross-sections through the human body.
With the direction of travel of the astrophysical jets being in the vertical, one up and one down, we cut the jet in two with a vertical plane which bisects the jet’s central axis; this gives us our vertical cross-section. Then we take a series of horizontal cross-sections through the jet in order to produce a series of sections which show the different stages of the jet as it bifurcates.
The objective was to picture the creation of the four fundamental forces from a single unified force and to ensure that the sequential separation of said forces was in agreement with the Big Bang story told by particle physicists. In my version, this separation of force was the equivalent of a concentric ringed jet unfolding and the artwork I drew is my picture of that. A key idea lay in how each of the vacuum spaces that were created and opened up, as each layer bifurcated, essentially had its own independent arrow of time going forwards. In my vertical cross-section this forward arrow of time is drawn with a red line. Vice versa, I’d imagined inside a particle there was a reverse arrow of time drawn with a blue line. The white ball in the centre is our newly born black hole and its gravitational singularity. Thus the reasoning for why my artwork is shaped and drawn as it is.
The path of life that led to me this point; the experience of what went through my mind in its genesis, the telling of which I leave to another body of work. Religious was its nature on an agnostic mind, alien to me. It was this experience that caused me to look at my artwork and associate it with that artwork which is or was considered sacred. The first was the Temple menorah, the seven-branched candlestick that was looted from the Second Jewish Temple by the Roman’s in the first-century AD. The reason was that if you take my vertical cross-section and only consider the birth of our universe, removing our parallel universe, we have a seven-pointed candlestick. Off course, guess which soul creator was responsible for that act? Hint: it’s in the name of the legion that did the sacking. Sorry about that!
The moment where I “crossed the Rubicon” was on a trip to Hong Kong when visiting the Buddha that sits on top of Lantau Island. Maybe I needed to believe in something larger than my own ego, as modest as I am, but to my eye I could not help but continually find the symbolism within the site and temple to be a reflection of the artwork I had done. Mostly, it was the concentric circles that got to me. Since then I’ve learnt that concentric circle artwork is to be found all over the world. One piece that I saw on a TV documentary, shortly after coming back from Hong Kong, had lots of concentric circles. In fact the symbology of this piece, to me, showed the potential pattern by which our concentric ringed universe unfolded as it came in to bloom. It was like watching God playing His trump card.
That trump card was the lesser ossuary shown in Simcha Jacobovici’s documentary and I’ve never been the same since. Going back to my artwork, like the Temple menorah, the engraving in the middle is for me an exact symbolic representation of what I had drawn. The red lines being my representation of a forward arrow of time renders six arrows seen along the top.
In coming back from Hong Kong I had begun wondering how on Earth do I even go about classifying whether a piece of artwork is a structural representation of our universe. Art is subjective! One good measure I’ve found from experience is that such a reaction is like being hit with lightning; divine revelation. The type of experience which leaves your jaw hanging open in total wondrous amazement. All I can do is give you my opinion and let the art doing all the talking.
The way this one engraving talked to me is what gave me the Big Bang Kilonova Hypothesis. The central column breaking apart shows the creation of the four fundamental forces; the strong and weak nuclear forces, the electromagnetic force and gravity. This separation opening up the concentric vacuum spaces leading to the separate arrows of time which in cross-section is symbolised by the six arrows pointing upwards, into the future, towards heaven.
The base upon which our universe sits is symbolised as a series of steps each getting smaller. We also see this symbolism being repeated in this Tibetan map of the cosmos. The largest step, or base, at the bottom is the larger scale parent universe the Superverse. Now black holes, as I paint them, in effect take the universe of a larger scale and crushes it down. Hence scaling it down, with each step through the black hole further compressing the fields down before ejecting out the entrapped spacetime manifold back out as a new universe, or subverse. As fractal geometry is the cosmological principle this new universe looks like its larger parent universe but at a much smaller scale. This is symbolised by each step, or base, being smaller than the last. The first step the Superverse, the second step the black hole, the third step the wormhole and the fourth step the white hole. The importance and discovery of this symbology I wrote about in my General Relativity and Rotation essay.
Then we have the two spirals emerging at the top. On the left we have an anti-clockwise spiral and on the right we have a clockwise spiral. The symbology here is two fold. Firstly it represents the formation of spiral galaxies which emerge forth from the newly born universe. This feature was one of the features that jumped out at me when I first saw this piece. But the second, and more subtle, symbolism it held is in showing the importance symmetry plays with respect to the binary spinward direction of spiral galaxies. It was only in the revelation stemming from Lion Shamir’s work did the symbolic importance encoded in this engraving become apparent.
Furthermore this one symbol can represent both the union of masculine and feminine. Like the duck and rabbit optical illusion do you see a man's penis with terciles; or do you see a woman’s uterus, Fallopian tubes and ovaries? Another interpretation is that it symbolises a palm tree. All that from a single piece of abstract art and this artwork is unique to this very specific ossuary.
Meaning if we look at other ossuaries from this period we find a common pattern of where a unique artwork is flanked by two seed of life symbols. This one has a column. This one a doorway. This one here has a symbolic representation of a pair of astrophysical jets or a pulsar. Are feeling it yet that lighting bolt sensation? I am.
But what of that seed of life symbol? What does that mean?
That was the question that has been on my mind since April this year. It has been particularly on my mind because upon visiting the Hindu temple at the Batu Caves in Malaysia there it was engraved and painted upon the temple’s floor. Now answer is given. So how do you like my symbolic decoding of this symbol so far?
What do I mean “so far”? I hear you ask.
For that has been the entire goal of this episode to explain the deep magic that underlies this one symbol. It is the ringularity. The One Ring.
At the end of the day it comes down to these photos we saw earlier of quantum irrotational flow. Because of the quantisation of irrotational flow within the sodium atoms of the Bose-Einstein condensate the pattern of this flow is not continuous but is quantised. It is the integer number of quantum vortices that form at the nodes within the flower of life symbol. This discrete integer versus continuous description is the difference between quantum and classical physics. The manifestation of nature at its most fundamental level forms the flower of life geometry where each node upon it is manifested as a quantum vortex of irrotational flow.
Though in understanding the flower of life history and symbolic meaning I found the work of Drunvalo Melchizedek; a fellow seeker, physicist, mathematician and obviously very much into new age spirituality. Some really good examples from history include this flower of life pattern we see here at the Temple of Osiris, Abydos Egypt. Here they are enclosed within the symbol for infinity, the pattern enclosed by two spheres. I see our universe and our parallel universe of anti-matter each governed by the laws of quantum mechanics. Another example is from the Forbidden City the flower mapped onto a sphere which is in turn held underneath the Guardian Lion’s paw.
The story of creation, as told in Genesis, is told through the seed of life. To draw the symbol we start of with a point, a singularity, around which we draw a circle; the first circle represents the first day of creation. At the top of the circle we draw our second circle of equal radius; the second day of creation. Going around the circle, from the top, in a clockwise manner we draw a series of five more circles whose centre is the intersection of the previous circle with our original circle. Each one represents a day of creation totalling up to seven; as in God created the heavens and the earth in seven days. That’s why this symbol appears upon Jewish ossuaries from the time of Christ; in what I’ve learned so far.
The reason the boundary of the symbol is bounded by two circles, or encircled by Ouroborros, is to denote the bounds. Inside the boundary, where the flower of life resides, is order and outside is chaos. Or rather it is barrier that cannot be crossed. Inside the circle is all knowledge but outside the circle the ancients said that we are unable to know what is beyond these two circles. Vice versa, someone on the outside will not be able to have knowledge of what lies upon the inside.
Meaning, in a very physical way, a subverse can be born inside our universe. In fact there are two massive formations which occupy a good portion of our night sky; the Fermi Bubbles of the Milky Way. This matter is dark, hence we call it dark matter this matter inside a subverse. But yet we have no knowledge of it; until we went looking for its invisible effect. Then we looking out had no knowledge of the Superverse; until I called it and gave it a name. At which point I begin to feel like I’m inside the ultimate adventure game. Which was nice!
The story of how the physics of this symbol came to me was like the previous times; moments of revelation upon which the hand of God made its move. It began on Wednesday the 7th of September as I was walking out to the car. Like I said, my subconscious has not slept since April since seeing this symbol upon the Hindu temple floor trying to find its meaning. Walking to the car the vision of electromagnetic field lines forming inside the black hole hit me. It was like I could see the full vision of it; the one I just presented. “But why that specific hexagonal shape?” I kept asking myself.
Everyone remembers Thursday the 8th of September. I knew something major was going to happen and it did. It always does, alas my neighbour from across the fields passed away and the whole world knew it. The age of Elizabeth II had come to a close.
We all watched the procession of the coffin down from Balmoral to lie in state at the alter of Westminster Abbey. In watching the coffin lying in state my eyes locked onto its prey. Take a moment, soft eyes, it takes soft eyes. Do you see it? The pattern upon the floor. Do you see the pattern upon the most sacred sight in all of Britain; the alter of Westminster Abbey? I’d imagine about now your feeling that lighting sensation of divine revelation. I certainly did when my eyes first beheld this mosque floor at the alter.
In totality, to my eyes, the amount and level of detail in this one piece is a homage to the fractal nature that is the law underlying all of realities. Firstly, in the bottom left, second from the end, we have our seed of life symbol; the same as those found upon the ossuaries from the time of Christ. Secondly, we have crystal lattice patterns which are tetrahedral, cubic and hexagonal at various scales; in reflecting crystal minerals, such as salt or quartz, or at the smallest scale the lattice structures we saw in crystallised electron and neutron degenerate matter. It is because of this structure we live in a homogenous and isotropic universe.
Then in the centre we have this beautiful piece of what I assume is marble which really does capture the raw primordial chaos of nature. I kind of think it looks how I imagine a neutron star looks like; but that’s just me. Then up in the top right, second from the right, we have a hexagonal vortex with two types of arms, one cold and one hot. A combo of the large scale anisotropies, with a cold and hot spiral arms, coupled with the hexagonal nature of the ringularity.
But the feature that jumped straight out at me, when I first saw it, was the pattern inside the four circles at the corners of the inner square. Each of them is a different variation of a 2-dimensional hexagonal star-shaped lattice. The ordered geometry of the stars in heaven. Where each of them differs from the other in the density of the hexagonal stars of David. Namely the total number of stars in each one of the circles. On the bottom right we have the least number of stars. Followed by the top-left, then top-right and lastly the bottom left circle which has the greatest number of stars.
This feature jumped straight out at me as my eyes had only the previous day born witness to these photos. In each photo the density and number of quantum vortices increases as the rate of rotation increases. The first shows 16 quantum vortices; the second 32 vortices; the third 80 vortices and lastly 130 quantum vortices are seen. The difference in the number of vortices formed is because of the rate of rotation. So the first has the smallest angular velocity and the last has the greatest amount of angular velocity. Having been pondering the possibility that Martin Tajmar’s experiment shows artificial gravity generation for some years nothing lights up my inner geek than seeing experiments of rotating Bose-Einstein condensate as I dream of its application.
Then, as I and others do argue, the ringularity itself could possibly be described as a rotating Bose-Einstein condensate of gravitons. This hexagonal quantum imprint of the ringularity is what I believe caused the formation of the large scale anisotropies seen in the octopole map. More than that the common denominators of six are two and three which happen to be the denominator of spin in all electrons and quarks; the fundamental particles of the atom. This denominator of intrinsic angular momentum, spin, of a particle being inherited from its genesis by the Superverse, inside the ringularity.
In many respects I feel like I was destined to see and learn about key experiments and insights upon my road to discovery as if I am a single actor playing their part. When playing a star role in God’s plan I will attest to the fact it is very carefully managed. Such as when I learnt about a specific experiment that uses the hexagonal structure in graphene to find evidence of the Schwinger Effect which we saw is responsible for the non-linear dynamics of electromagnetism which leads to the spontaneous creation of matter and anti-matter around the neutron star; which oddly enough was when I was writing that piece. At least its not quite as freaky as when I wrote about how a star can collapse into a non-rotating black hole can happen and low and behold that’s exactly what went and happened. I’m mean that’s just life in that it sometime puts a huge “WTF!”, exclamation mark over ones head.
Oh sorry, I spoke too soon. As breaking news, in that Earth has just been hit directly by the most powerful long gamma ray burst we’ve seen to date. The gamma ray burst, classified as GRB 221009A, and caught by the Fermi and Swift Telescopes has been described as a “once in a century” event. The hypernova itself, as it is a long gamma ray burst, is thought to have originated from over 2 billion light years away. Which is fortunate as if that had been a star in the Milky Way galaxy, like Eta Carina, well all life on Earth would be ascending up to join the choir eternal. But even at that distance it still had a very large and measurable effect on our planet’s atmosphere. But for astronomers and particle physicists the capture of this one event by telescope and neutrino detector is going to be a gold mine, thanks to the r-process, as these events are so rare. And we got one directly in the face as yet again there is an WTF exclamation mark over my head.
Coming back, the last example is the work of husband and wife team, Jie Shan and Kin Fin Mak, who using 2-dimensional hexagonal lattices are creating synthetic atoms that can be studied under the microscope. When I initially said back in my original work that we are moving into the age of quantum mechanics at a macroscopic level this is a prime example of such technology. By grouping atoms in a BEC using a hexagonal lattice they look to create the wave function of a given atom at a larger scale. The wave function of an atom is the physical definition of any given atom; there are no hidden variables. The wave function is the atom, the atom is the wave function. So they are making atoms at a larger scale that can be studied under a microscope. That’s what I love about physics it just keeps blowing my mind. So a subject for another episode.
From Wednesday, the 7th of September, through the time till now, when writing these words, being near the end of October it has been revelation after revelation. All the while saying a final farewell to Her Majesty. Like before, the Grail, lets its secrets be known in accordance with a grand plan and man it didn’t disappoint. May it show you meaning as it did for me at the appointed time in accordance to The Plan.
Just exactly how such a plan gets forged. I honestly wish I could say I didn’t know. But me doing that is like a murderer whose covered in blood, caught red handed with the weapon in hand at the scene of the crime, saying “Sorry, gov wasn’t me!”.
Funny story, that I will tell elsewhere. Probably down the pub.
Anyway, until next time.
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