- Introduction
- Summary of the Big Bang Theory
- Overview of the Big Bang Kilonova Hypothesis
- The Planck CMB Map
- Hypernova or Kilonova, was the question?
- A Homogeneous and Isotropic Universe
- Multipole Maps of the CMB
- The CMB Dipole Map
- The Kinematic Interpretation of the Dipole
- Nullifying the purely Kinematic Interpretation
- The Universe has Handiness
- Why is the universe homogeneous and isotropic? (Part 1) Initial Conditions
- Origin of Supermassive Black Holes
- The Quark-Gluon Plasma
- The Twin Spiral Signature
- Birth of the Ringularity
- A Testable Big Bang Hypothesis
- The Rapid Neutron Philosophy of the Stone
- Higgs is turned on
- Where are all the White Holes?
- Why is the universe homogeneous and isotropic? (Part 2) Spherical Expansion
- A Flat but Entrapped Expansion
- Formation of the CMB Large Scale Anisotropies
- Rinse and Repeat, Early Galaxy Formation
Hello and welcome to the Big Bang Kilonova Hypothesis podcast. I’m your host, Stuart MacLean, and progenitor of said hypothesis; namely the idea of using a binary neutron star merger as the causal mechanism that gave rise to the Big Bang and the birth of our universe.
In today’s episode I want to tell the story of how the cosmic microwave background sky came to have the unusual shape and structure that it has. Or rather, present the very direct evidence that gives me the certainty of conviction to say as a scientist that the causal mechanism of the Big Bang was a binary neutron star merger of the Superverse.
Summary of the Big Bang Theory
The Big Bang model itself comes about because the universe is seen to be expanding as the very spacetime metric of the universe itself is expands. Meaning the length of a metre is always growing, getting longer and longer, because of this expansion of spacetime. Now as we rewind the clock back it implies that all these galaxies that we see moving away from one another all come back together until they all exist at a single point in space and time. This single point is the Big Bang event where for whatever reason a gravitational singularity is born and this is estimated to have happened around 13.2 billion years ago. This point expanded such that the very early universe came to be filled with an opaque primordial plasma composed of protons and electrons which eventually cooled down into forming the first hydrogen atoms some 300,000 years after the Big Bang event and the birth of this gravitational singularity. As the plasma cooled, electrons bound with protons forming the first atoms of hydrogen. This in turn caused the universe to go from being an opaque plasma into becoming translucent allowing for the free passage of light.
Given this the Big Bang model made a prediction where by if true then it would imply that the universe is bathed in the radiation of this the first light. However due to the expansion of the universe this light would now be stretch to the microwave wavelength. In 1964 Wilson and Penzias discovered this microwave radiation coming from every single heavenly direction. NASA and the ESA in turn created satellite missions like, COBE, WMAP and Planck, to accurately map and measure this the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation. It is precisely because of the existence of this radiation that causes cosmologists to believe in the validity of the Big Bang model. Any other explanation of the cosmos has to be able to explain this all omnipresent microwave black body radiation. [1] [2] [3] [4]

The final high-resolution map of the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation produced by ESA's Planck mission~. Small temperature fluctuations in the map represent areas of greater density, hot areas, versus areas of less density, cold areas. Overall the map shows a universe that is mostly homogeneous and isotropic. [5]
Overview of the Big Bang Kilonova Hypothesis
Why and how this gravitational singularity came to be born, as I here in will show, came about because of a binary neutron star merger of the Superverse.
So as a summary, my hypothesis builds upon what conformal field theory tells us about the structure of a rotational black hole as described by the Kerr metric. Namely, the black hole leads down to a wormhole which is encircled by the ring shaped singularity, known as a ringularity. Passing through the wormhole we arrive on the other side to be ejected first from the associated white hole and into either one of the two parallel universes.
However when a stellar black hole is born it comes into being because the spacetime manifold has been warped to such a degree, by the extreme concentration of mass-energy density, that it forms an entrapped surface we call the event horizon. Meaning anything inside the volume is itself entrapped; including the wormhole. So rather than assuming that the wormhole inside the rotational black hole is a bridge across space and time to another universe we see the wormhole as being entrapped. Given an entrapped wormhole then it would imply that the exit to the wormhole is still inside the absolute volume of the black hole.
In total effect, I propose the idea where two entrapped manifolds which like balloons inflate forth from the white hole. The exact location of the white hole I place at the polar regions of the rotational black hole. Thus we have a pair of parallel new universes whose fields are both entrapped and scaled down, crushed, by the birth of the rotational black hole. These entrapped fields then inflate, like a pair of balloons, filled with the matter that has fallen into the black hole and thus ejected out, via the white hole, into either one of the two newly born universes.

The Planck CMB High Resolution Map showing the large scale anomalies. To quote the ESA's own description of this map: "Two CMB anomalous features hinted at by Planck’s predecessor, NASA’s WMAP, are confirmed in the new high-precision data. One is an asymmetry in the average temperatures on opposite hemispheres of the sky (indicated by the curved line), with slightly higher average temperatures in the southern ecliptic hemisphere and slightly lower average temperatures in the northern ecliptic hemisphere. This runs counter to the prediction made by the standard model that the Universe should be broadly similar in any direction we look. There is also a cold spot that extends over a patch of sky that is much larger than expected (circled). In this image the anomalous regions have been enhanced with red and blue shading to make them more clearly visible."
In applying this idea to stellar black holes born inside our universe what I am essentially proposing is that there are these smaller scale child balloon universes inflating inside these entrapped manifolds that I have come to call subverses. As these small scale child balloon universes are inside the volume of our universe it implies that the entire volume occupied by said balloon child universe is a subset of its parent universe. Using the parlance of set theory gives name to this balloon child universe expanding inside our own parent universe. Namely, a subverse. These subverses in turn, being entrapped are invisible, or rather dark, and thus to us are composed of dark matter.
The Big Bang Kilonova Hypothesis itself applies this exact same idea in considering the birth of our own universe. Like a pair of entrapped balloon universes, our universe of matter and our parallel twin universe of anti-matter, are born, in conjunction with the birth of a stellar black hole, inside a much larger scaled parent universe that I call the Superverse. Those objects of the Superverse whose mass is causally disconnected, being inside an entrapped manifold, but spatially connected, having expanded around it, I propose as being the source of dark energy.
How exactly this stellar black hole of the Superverse was actually born I propose is by way of a binary neutron star merger, a kilonova. The primary reason for me saying that a kilonova of the Superverse was the causal mechanism of the Big Bang itself comes from the shape and structure of the large scale anisotropies of the Cosmic Microwave Background, CMB, Sky.

Best fit Bianchi-VIIh universes by Jaffe (2005) and McEwen (2013) (a) McEwen (2013) Best-fit non-physical Bianchi VIIh templates found in WMAP full-sky ILC data. Flat-decoupled-Bianchi model (b) Fixed-decoupled-Bianchi model. (c) Jaffe (2005) Best-fit Bianchi VIIh template to WMAP full-sky ILC data. [7][8]
The Planck CMB Map
However this interpretation depends upon which map of the cosmic microwave sky is actually the the true map of the very early universe. The most common map seen in publications is this Planck CMB map showing a universe that is mostly homogenous and isotropic. But then there is another map published by the ESA of the Planck CMB with enhanced anomalies. In this map the universe is not so isotropic. Rather it shows a universe whose distribution of matter is in fact anisotropic. Particularly in the southern hemisphere. [5] [6] [15]
Now these large scale temperature fluctuations that span the width of the observable universe have both been seen and recorded first in the WMAP mission and then in the Planck missions to map the cosmic microwave sky. Meaning, that we have reproduction of the same result first in NASA’s WMAP mission and then again in ESA’s Planck mission. Both mapped this exact same large scale anisotropic feature. [6] [7] [8]
Where things get really interesting is when we map these images onto a spherical surface such that we can actually see them properly. After all this is a map of the celestial sphere so in order to view it correctly we need to be viewing it upon a sphere. As a flat 2D-projected map we really don’t see the real shape and structure of these large scale anisotropies because the main epicentre of the anisotropic features are down towards the southern polar region. As the flat map is a Mollweide Projection which can fairly easily be mapped onto a 3D-sphere then by using a little bit of old school OpenGL Javascript code I present a 3D viewer with the map projected onto the sphere.
3D Spherical viewer for Mollweide projected images showing the high resolution map of the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation by ESA Planck’s mission with the large scale anisotropies and cold spot enhanced. Use your mouse to left-click on the sphere in order to drag and rotate the sphere.
In fact, on my homepage I present two maps showing the large scale anisotropies. The first map coming from ESA’s Planck mission and the second map coming from the WMAP dataset. Now that we can view these maps properly let us take a look at the southern hemisphere where we can actually see the shape and structure of these large scale anisotropies. [6] [7]
Down here at the south pole we have two spots. A cold spot, or more famously known and identified as the CMB Cold Spot. Adjacent to it is a hot spot. Then emerging from each of these spots is a spiral arm. From the cold spot we have a cold spiral arm which sweeps around and up to the equator. Then, vice versa, from the hot spot we have a hot spiral arm which sweeps around from this epicentre and again up to the equator.
3D Spherical viewer for Mollweide projected images showing the best-fit Bianchi-VIIh model (Jaffe et al 2005) of the large scale anisotropies. From the asymmetry in spinward direction of galaxies we know that the large scale anisotropies are related to the rotation of the universe as a whole. Given a homogenous beginning, for a neutron star can be said to be perfectly homogeneous, the Bianchi-VIIh model specifically models rotation of the universe in order to produce this best-fit map. Use your mouse to left-click on the sphere in order to drag and rotate the sphere.
Hypernova or Kilonova, was the question?
Now in framing my Big Bang Kilonova Hypothesis I present an argument based on the idea of entrapped conformal manifolds of spacetime in the context of fractal geometry. Namely, I say that fractal geometry is the cosmological principle and thus self-similar patterns repeat themselves irrespective of scale. So the same pattern that gives birth to a gravitational singularity inside our universe, a stellar black hole, is the exact same pattern that gave birth to our universe.
That in a nutshell is the philosophy and logic of my hypothesis. It’s that simple!
Or in plain English. In order to study the birth of one gravitational singularity, such as the one proposed by the Big Bang theory itself then one must study how nature gives birth to such a gravitational singularity. Now a stellar black hole, itself a gravitational singularity, is born inside our universe following the core-collapse of a massive star in an event known as a hypernova or following a binary-neutron star merger in an event known as a kilonova.
Now a key signature of a kilonova is the twin spiral shaped gravitational waves whose epicentres are the respective pair of neutron stars that are spiralling into towards each other. It was the detection of those gravitational waves by the LIGO observatories that led to the first observation of a binary neutron star merger, a kilonova, in 2017.
Seeing as this is the exact pattern, namely two bodies with twin spiral gravitational waves, that is a dead fit for the shape and structure of these large scale anisotropies seen in the cosmic microwave background radiation gave me cause and conviction to put forward my idea of the Big Bang Kilonova Hypothesis. Prior to this I was using a hypernova, a massive core-collapse supernova, as the causal mechanism but in seeing this it caused me to completely rethink my idea.
In essence and in a very literal way this is my smoking gun evidence. In fact, you can even see the rifling in the gun, the super-gravitational waves that form the spiral arms of the large scale anisotropies. Off course given that our universe is the bullet being fired from the gun then here is the rifling. The fact that our universe can be compared to a bullet being fired from a gun I’ll cover when we later discuss the Cosmic Microwave Background Dipole map.
A Homogeneous and Isotropic Universe
Now off course you are probably thinking the CMB map showing these large scale anisotropies is not valid. For one, this is not the map that is usually shown. Well for a large part that is due to the assumption the universe at the very largest scales is both homogenous and isotropic.
In fact, this is known as the standing cosmological principle. Namely, that single assumption that we have to make about the Big Bang. And we have to make assumptions, or rather a simple single assumption that underpins the mathematical theory and subsequent computer modelling. In traditional Big Bang cosmology this single assumption is that the universe at the largest scales is both homogeneous and isotropic. Homogeneous meaning “of the same kind”; i.e. We see a universe filled with galaxies and each galaxy is filled with hundreds of billions of stars. Then it is also isotropic which means that the universe looks exactly the same regardless of the direction and location of where the universe is being observed.
So what this essentially means is that the universe looks exactly the same in every direction; full of galaxies, each galaxy full of stars all operating under the same universal laws of physics. For this is exactly what astronomers have been seeing for the last couple of centuries an ever expanding universe filled with galaxies. And it is the same picture that is seen again, again and again no matter which direction the telescope is pointed to in the night sky.
As an example of testing this assumption we have Hubble’s deep field pictures from the northern and southern hemispheres showing a universe full of galaxies. So the given cosmological principle is what it is because it has survived this scientific test. Or has the respectable appearance for the most part because as we’ll see the observational evidence is starting to tell us a rather different story. The aforementioned large scale anisotropies of the CMB being part of that story. [10]
Originally, when first discovered by Wilson and Penzias back in 1963 cosmologists through the 70s and 80s measured the temperature of the microwave sky and found it to have the same temperature all over, a temperature of 2.726 Kelvin. Meaning that the very early universe had the same temperature and thus the same mass-energy density in every location. Hence this was a complete validation of the standing cosmological principle in that the very early universe in its entirety was both homogeneous and isotropic.
Multipole Maps of the CMB
Now in order to understand the different maps of the CMB I need to quickly make mention of the mathematical process of analysis used in producing maps of the CMB. Specifically, spherical harmonics and multipole expansion. In short, these are the mathematical and statistical tools that cosmologists employ in order to make sense of all the microwave observations. The multipole expansion is a series expansion where each map in the series has finer and finer angular features. The first map in the series is known as the dipole map and it has the largest angular resolution.
The second map is known as the quadrupole map whose angular scale is double the resolution of the dipole map. The third map in the multipole expansion series is the octopole map and so forth. The expansion continues until we are able to produce the famous Planck CMB map whose angular resolution has the highest resolution to date.
The cosmic microwave background dipole mapped onto a spherical viewer. This is the most significant temperature fluctuation of the CMB. I hear-in, argue that this is part of the CMB and is evidence that our universe as a whole is moving in the same general direction. The alternative is the kinematic interpretation. To quote Swinburne University's encyclopaedia entry "The slightly (-0.0035 Kelvin) cooler regions are shown in blue, while (+0.0035 Kelvin) hotter regions are shown in red. The pattern is consistent with the Local group of galaxies (which includes the Milky Way) having a speed of 600 km/sec towards the centre of the red patch which lies in constellation Centaurus – the home of the Great Attractor. N.B. Rather confusingly, red (hot) areas correspond to blue-shifted radiation, while blue (cool) areas correspond to red-shifted radiation." [12]
The CMB Dipole Map
The first of such maps, the dipole map, was first measured via NASA’s Cosmic Background Explorer COBE satellite whose four year mission lasted from 1989-1993. What the CMB Dipole map showed was a large scale temperature variation between the northern and southern hemispheres. Up until this point all prior measurements of the microwave sky had shown a map with a completely uniform temperature of 2.726 Kelvin and hence had a completely uniform distribution of mass-energy density in the early universe. i.e. The data up till the CMB Dipole map had shown a universe that was more or less perfectly homogeneous and isotropic.
What the CMB Dipole map, produced by COBE, showed was that there was a temperature variation of 0.007 Kelvin between the northern and southern hemispheres. Now a 0.007 Kelvin temperature variation may not sound like much but in comparison to the subsequent temperature variations found in the CMB which have a range of 100 microKelvin, or 0.0001 Kelvin, the variation seen in the CMB Dipole map is of an order of 70 times greater when compared to all the other multipole maps. In other words, of all the CMB multipole maps the CMB Dipole map has the greatest variance of temperature by far.
The Kinematic Interpretation of the Dipole
The explanation that was put forth has come to be known as the “kinematic interpretation” of the CMB dipole. In this explanation it is the movement of Earth, the Solar System and by extension the movement of the Milky Way galaxy and the Local Group as a whole is causing us to be travelling through the universe with sufficient velocity when compared to the respective rest frame of the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation. This movement of Earth through the universe is towards the direction of the northern CMB Dipole towards the constellation of Leo and away from the constellation of Aquarius in the southern hemisphere effectively causes the CMB light to be doppler shifted with respect to Earth’s moving frame of reference.
So as Earth’s frame of reference is moving towards the CMB light coming from the northern hemisphere then it implies this light will be blue-shifted towards the blue end of the spectrum. Vice versa, as Earth’s frame of reference is moving away from the CMB light coming from the southern hemisphere it implies it is doppler shifted to the red end of the spectrum; or rather red shifted. Thus the CMB dipole map is not considered to be an actual artefact of the microwave sky and early universe but comes about because of Earth’s path of motion as it travels through the universe.
Nullifying the purely Kinematic Interpretation
However, in testing this kinematic interpretation of the CMB Dipole it has been gradually failing the scientific test. One test has been to look at distant quasars. If the CMB Dipole was in fact a result of the microwave light being doppler shifted purely as a result of our motion through the universe then light from such distant quasars should also have been doppler shifted as well and to the same expected degree. One study by Nathan Secrest and colleagues looking at over 1.36 million quasars found that there was an overall movement of these quasar groups towards the northern CMB Dipole and shows this kinematic interpretation to be wrong with a significance of 4.9 sigma. Further to this Lawerence Dan and colleagues reproduced this result with a significance of 5.7 sigma. Thus more or less nullifying this purely kinematic interpretation of the CMB Dipole as observation of quasar groups showed the formation of a dipole in the same general direction. [13] [14]
What this research essentially showed was that far distant quasars are all generally moving in the same direction which is consistent with the CMB Dipole. Both are telling us that the universe as a whole has the same general direction.
Another important piece of work in relation to the CMB Dipole map is Lion Shamir’s work where he measured the asymmetry in the observed handedness of different spiral galaxies. When we view a spiral galaxy we can see the spiral arms of said galaxy; just like we can see the spiral arms of the Big Bang Kilonova in the CMB. After all fractal geometry is the cosmological principle. [16]
Now when observed through a telescope the spiral arms of said spiral galaxy either have a clockwise spin or an anti-clockwise spin. In other words we have a binary measurement that can be tested. Given that modern cosmology’s foundational assumption is that the universe is isotropic then we would expect there to be no variation between the number of galaxies seen with clockwise arms versus anti-clockwise spiral arms.
Overall for the entire night sky this is exactly what Lion Shamir found; a split of more or less 50/50. However, it was in the creation of the multipole maps that things get very interesting because there is symmetry breaking depending on where about in the night sky the galaxy is being observed. The dipole map of spiral spin asymmetry shows the greatest asymmetry in the same areas as the CMB dipole map. In fact, overlaying the CMB Dipole map and Shamir’s Dipole map of spiral spin asymmetry together shows a match between the two and Shamir’s map is completely independent of any doppler shift effect.
So what the CMB Dipole map, the Quasar Dipole map and Shamir’s Dipole map of spinward asymmetry are all saying that the universe as a whole has a general overall direction of travel. It is moving away from the region in the southern hemisphere towards the direction of the northern hemisphere.
CPT-Symmetry in the Superverse film where I explore the consequences of CPT-Symmetry in giving vision to how Sakharov's twin universe model is expanding into an existing space that I came to call the Superverse. On a personal note, this piece of work was Genesis for both the Superverse and the actual Big Bang Kilonova Hypothesis. Off coarse, this led to a slightly bigger problem for me. Exactly how do you live with the idea that you've "invented" or "discovered" a whole new larger universe surrounding our own? Between my mind screaming in panic mode OMG and a quite stoic front that has bit of a cheeky grin; all the while being nonchalant is how.
The Universe has Handiness
Another, and extremely important, piece of physics that hints at the overall structure of the universe comes from considering the consequences of Charge, Parity, Time (CPT) symmetry. CPT-Symmetry is considered at present to be fundamental to the physical laws of nature. A major consequence of CPT-Symmetry is that in order for matter to be created then an equal amount of anti-matter most also have been created in the moments following the Big Bang. This was best illustrated by the Russian physicist Andrei Sakharov who developed his 2D didactic model showing two universes, being born from a single Big Bang event, where each universe’s arrow of time is moving in the polar opposite direction with respect to the other.
Now CPT-Symmetry is a fundamental property of particle physics. Meaning it is a symmetry that operates at the smallest scales, But given the explicit spiralling seen in the CMB coupled with Sakharov conditions leads me to suspect that the universe as a whole should show preferred handiness at the larger scales. Meaning your left and right hands are mirror images to each other. Both hands have the same shape but one is clearly your left hand and the other being your right hand. So from the point of view of the Big Bang Kilonova Hypothesis I would expect the universe to have a preferred handiness.
In contrast to this the standard theoretical model of cosmology says that the universe as a whole is both homogeneous and isotropic. Meaning if the standard model of cosmology is correct then the universe should not have any form of handiness at the scales of galaxy clusters. Thus providing a means of testing my hypothesis.
The most simplest geometric form that has the property of handiness is a tetrahedron which cannot be rotated into its mirror image in 3D. Using this property cosmologists Jiamin Hou & Zachary Stepian decided to test the parity of the universe at the scale of galaxy clusters. Each point on their tetrahedron was a galaxy with each tetrahedron composed of four galaxies at each of the four points. By looking at the line length connecting the galaxies the handiness of the tetrahedron could be determined to be either left or right handed. [17]
Given an isotropic universe then there should be no statistically significant difference between the number of left handed and right handed tetrahedrons. In one dataset of 280,067 Luminous Red Galaxies (LRGs) they found a 3.1 sigma difference and then in a larger dataset of 803,112 LRGs they found a 7.1 sigma difference. Clearly showing that the universe at the scale of galaxy clusters has a preferred handiness which is left handed.
So what this study essentially shows is that the universe has a clear preference for left handed parity both at the smallest scale, being CPT-Symmetry, and then again at the larger scale of galaxy clusters. So from the point of view of the Standard Model of Cosmology and the Lambda-CDM model this is very bad news as this evidence violates the underlying theoretical basis that the universe at the largest scale is isotropic.
Why is the universe homogeneous and isotropic? (Part 1) Initial Conditions
For me and the Big Bang Kilonova Hypothesis well let me show you exactly how and why we live in such a universe and how the cosmic microwave sky got the features we have here in discussed. Though for anyone who has spent there entire scientific career trying to prove Cosmic Inflation theory, I do apologise for the mental health crisis that I am to cause you. After all, this is what Inflation Theory is now up against and as I will ask and give answer to the question “Why is the universe homogenous and isotropic?” instead of assuming it to be the foundational principle of all things.
A kilonova event, be it inside our universe, or the kilonova of the Superverse that gave birth to our universe begins with the inward orbital death spiral of two neutron stars into towards each other. Now a single neutron star by itself is an insane object by any human standard. The matter inside a neutron star is so dense that a single sugar cube of a neutron star would weigh the same as Mount Everest; about 1 trillion tonnes. The matter, composed primarily of neutrons, is packed so tightly that it forms both the most densest and strongest material in the entire universe with a tensile strength one quadrillion times stronger than steel.
Given that a neutron star is composed primarily of neutrons coupled with the observation that every neutron is identical to the other; i.e. All neutrons have the same mass of \( 939.6 \frac{MeV}{c^2} \), the same neutral charge of zero and spin of a half. Meaning the matter is homogeneous. In effect, a neutron star could be described as a gigantic atomic nucleus. Or rather the nucleus of a Primeval Atom as the father of the Big Bang theory itself, Georges Lemaître, proposed in his book of the same name in order to provide a causal explanation for his Big Bang theory.
An extremely important observation in speculating about the internal arrangement of neutrons within said neutron stars comes from the observation that crystal lattice formations found in nature provides an effective and efficient method of packing particles together. Such geometric crystal structures, such as the cubic lattice found in table salt, have the same repeating pattern regardless of where you are in the crystal. Meaning a neutron star whose neutrons are arranged in a crystallised lattice is an isometric form of matter. In fact another name for a cubic lattice is an isometric crystal lattice.
So the initial conditions of two neutron stars are themselves two spherical bodies composed of a form of matter that is both homogeneous and isotropic.
Origin of Supermassive Black Holes
Now in the case of the Big Bang Kilonova I propose the existence of two Super neutron stars whose total mass is greater than twice the mass of our universe, minus any dark energy. The best way of imagining such a pair of objects is to look to the fragmented pieces of said Super neutron stars that were not completely vaporised in the collision process itself. If a sugar cube of a neutron star inside our universe weighs a trillion tonnes then the fragments of the two Super neutron stars would also be as dense. But given the difference in scale between the Superverse and our universe such a piece of a Super neutron star would be to us truly colossal. Also such fragments would enter our universe from the very moment of the Big Bang acting as the seeds for galaxy formation in the very early universe.
Given the presence of Super-massive black holes found at the heart of every galaxy we can easily get a notion for what the fragments of a Super neutron star really are like. Namely, the fragments of the Super neutron stars are to us the Super-massive black holes at the centre of galaxies and that they existed from the very moment of the Big Bang itself. Hence it is why I made the prediction that James Webb was going to find galaxy formations in the very early universe as a clear means to test my hypothesis against the Lambda-CDM model and Hubble’s Tuning Fork.
The Quark-Gluon Plasma
Yet another important consideration about a neutron star comes in looking at the core of said star. Namely, or rather speculated, the core of a neutron star is composed of a quark-gluon plasma; given that the integrity of the neutrons has collapsed within the core. The only other place in our universe where it is theorised that a quark-gluon plasma also existed is in the microseconds preceding the Big Bang event. So a neutron star already has a major prerequisite that is itself the primary ingredient of the Big Bang theory which is a quark gluon plasma; according to physicists at the LHC. In fact, one of the purposes of building the LHC is to try and produce a quark gluon plasma by colliding atoms of lead together. But rather than lead it is the relativistic collision between the two Super neutron stars that itself produces and releases this quark gluon plasma of the Big Bang. [18]
So from just this single setup of two Super neutron stars spiralling in towards each other we have:
1. Two bodies composed of a form of Super neutron matter that is both homogeneous and isotropic.
2. The collision and vaporisation of the two neutron stars will create and release a quark gluon plasma; an essential ingredient of the Big Bang theory itself.
3. The remaining fragments of the two Super-neutron stars are themselves to us the Super massive black holes that came to be found at the centre of every galaxy.
So as a candidate for the one shot deal that is the Big Bang event a pair of Super neutron stars are an ideal match. But what really shows us that the causal mechanism of the Big Bang was in fact a kilonova event are the production of Super gravitational waves that spiral outwards.
The Twin Spiral Signature
As was most famously shown to the world, in 2017, by the LIGO, Laser Interferometer Gravitational Observatories, was the detection of gravitational waves emanating from a pair of binary neutron stars. According to Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity the orbital death spiral proceeding the kilonova of the two respective neutron stars should produce gravitational waves that bend and compress the fabric of spacetime itself. In order to test this aspect of General Relativity scientists built the two LIGO observatories in order to verify this prediction and said prediction came true when they detected the gravitational wave event cataloged as GW170817; the binary merger of two neutron stars.
The signature of these gravitational waves is two spiral waves which emanates from each of the two neutron stars. One wave has its source and epicentre following the circular orbit of one neutron star and the other wave is following the orbit of the other neutron star. Together they form a twin spiral wave shape with two distinct source points; the two neutron stars. Now as each of the two neutron stars spiral in towards each other the greater the magnitude and frequency of the gravitational waves does become until it climaxes at the point of collision itself.
Birth of the Ringularity
When the two neutron stars finally collide the magic really begins as a number of key things happen. Firstly, the collision between the two bodies at a relativistic speed, close to the speed of light, essentially causes the two bodies to be vaporised releasing quark gluon plasma, free neutrons and fragments of the neutron star. The second thing that happens is that due to the extreme mass-energy density in the local region of the collision, namely the weight of the two neutron stars, causes a total gravitational collapse. However, because the direction of the collision came from the decaying rotational orbit of the two stars it implies that the vaporised matter, after collision, is itself also continuing to rotate. Meaning that the black hole that is being born is itself a rotational black hole as described by the Kerr metric.
How exactly the matter of the vaporised neutron stars undergoes total gravitational collapse down into a ringularity is a process that is still and may never be fully understood. However, as a great simplification, let us consider the actual entrapment process and birth of the black hole by placing a ringularity onto a flat 2-dimension sheet of spacetime. As the ringularity falls onto the sheet it pulls the surrounding material down. This is analogous to the warping of spacetime due to the mass of the ringularity.
The further down the material is pulled the greater the required escape velocity does become in order to escape the pull from the gravitational incline. But below a critical limit, namely when the escape velocity is equal to the speed of light, nothing can escape and a black hole is born. In comparison our neutron stars on their own pull the sheet down but not below the critical limit that defines the actual event horizon of the black hole.
Now a point singularity creates a single area of entrapment; the circular area of material that has been pulled below said critical limit. The event horizon of the Schwarzschild black hole being defined by a circular border of the entrapped region. But because of the rotational nature of the kilonova, conformally following the Kerr metric, the shape of the black hole’s singularity is ring shaped, a ringularity. So the pattern of entrapment is different.
As the ringularity falls onto our flat sheet and pulls it down the region with the greatest escape velocity is the region of the sheet directly underneath the ringularity. Now the area in the centre of the ringularity stays above the level that the ringularity is at. So if we travel across the sheet we first travel down into the gravitational well towards and then around the ringularity. Following a gravitational slingshot from the ringularity we travel upwards and towards the centre of the sheet.
As we let the ringularity fall further it passes the critical point of no return, where the escape velocity from the ringularity is equal to the speed of light, and a rotational black hole is born. But in that exact moment so to is the entrapped wormhole, the entrapped white hole and their in the very centre of the sheet a new universe is born. This is the very moment of the Big Bang inside the Big Bang Kilonova.
Here upon our sheet we now have four distinct regions. Firstly there is the surrounding parent universe. Next we come to our first region of entrapment, the black hole, where the required escape velocity is greater than the speed of light. Passing on down the gravitational incline we encounter the ringularity where we slingshot around it, passing through the entrapped wormhole, and back up into the white hole. Here, the region inside the bounds of the ringularity, follows an upward gravitational incline in reverse to the black hole’s downward incline. This upward incline is in effect a time-reversed black hole which is most commonly referred to as a white hole. Beyond the white hole’s event horizon and in the centre of our sheet the new child universe is born.
The child universe is then inflated by the flow of spacetime. That flow coming from surrounding parent universe down first through the black hole, around the entrapped ringularity-wormhole, and then up through the white hole and out into the newly born child universe.
So in applying this pattern to a kilonova inside our universe. We, being inside our universe, can observe a kilonova event. What is invisible to us, being causally disconnected but not spatially, is the birth of a pair of child subverses. Our universe being the parent universe and the pair of child universes to us a pair of subverses. Applying the exact same pattern to the birth of our universe in the Big Bang Kilonova event the Superverse is the parent universe. And our universe, along with our parallel twin universe of anti-matter, are the child universes of the Superverse.
A Testable Big Bang Hypothesis
An extremely important point about the Big Bang Kilonova hypothesis is that it is a testable hypothesis. Namely, if a kilonova event is doing it inside our universe then so to is the Big Bang and the birth of our universe. So if a kilonova is suddenly seen having near perfect spherical symmetry then it implies that our universe, along with our twin, also had perfect spherical symmetry. Fortunately, for me, I was busy learning about the importance of spherical symmetry as it relates to a homogenous universe from a little known book by one Georges Lemaître. To the rest of the scientific community this was a completely unexpected result as the published artwork from NASA showed a bipolar ejection. A mistake I corrected the very next day in my artwork. [19]
The reason a kilonova has spherical symmetry comes with how each of the two child subverses expand. Having considered the birth of the black hole and the ringularity there is now the question of what happens to the rest of the matter from the collision of the two neutron stars that doesn’t form part of the ringularity. Said matter will either be thrown out into the surrounding parent universe or it will fall into the rotational black hole, sling shot around the ringularity and out via the white hole to become entrapped inside the child universe. This entrapment of matter inside our universe we call dark matter and is the reason why no particle representation has been found for dark matter.
The Rapid Neutron Philosophy of the Stone
The matter that gets released that is thrown out into the parent universe, the free neutrons and atomic nuclei, undergoes what is called the rapid neutron capture process. Effectively all the free neutrons slam into the larger shaped fragments causing them to undergo nuclear fission. Much like Uranium-235 becomes Uranium-236 when it absorbs a free neutron causing the atom to split leading to 3 free neutrons and isotopes of Krypton and Bromine. Then those 3 free neutrons slam into 3 more Uranium-235 atoms which in turn split releasing 9 more free neutrons. 9 becomes 27 which becomes 81 free neutrons leading to the runaway chain reaction at the heart of an atomic bomb. This chain reaction is called the rapid neutron capture process and inside a kilonova it is responsible for the alchemical creation of most of the elements heavier than iron such as gold. [20]
In fact, using very careful isotopic analysis much of the heavier elements, including gold, that we find here on Earth came from the binary merger of two neutron stars. So in effect a kilonova event with its alchemical rapid neutron capture process is what the progenitors of natural philosophy, like Newton, called The Philosopher’s Stone. Or rather I put it to you that living in a fractal universe that the causal mechanism of the Big Bang was quite very literally The Philosopher’s Stone. [21]
As bizarre as it sounds wait till we get onto the structure of your brain versus the entire universe as a whole. On a cellular level there is not much morphological difference between neural connections and clusters of galaxies, as self-similar patterns repeat irrespective of scale. But we’ll deal with that in the next podcast. [22]
Higgs is turned on
For the moment, let us turn our attention back to the actual moment of birth of our universe as the two Super neutron stars collide.
The matter that falls into the newly born black hole, not being part of the ringularity, falls down and is sling shot around the entrapped ringularity and back up out into either our newly born universe, where it will cool down into baryonic matter, or out into our parallel universe where it cools down into baryonic anti-matter. The binary direction that matter takes, either via the north or south poles, is what makes each twin universe its opposite number. As we are composed of baryonic matter so too is our parallel twin composed of baryonic anti-matter.
Now another important note, I feel, is the fact that the flow of spacetime up through the white hole is moving faster than the speed of light, by the very definition of what a white hole is. It is only once above the event horizon of the white hole does baryonic matter become exactly that with mass. I say this because Cosmic Inflation theory begins its Big Bang explanation with a faster than light expansion. Then as the universe cooled down, according to Inflation Theory, the inflationary period came to an end and this faster than light expansion stopped as the Higgs mechanism turned on and particles gained a mass.
However, by my Big Bang Kilonova hypothesis this faster than light expansion happens explicitly inside the white hole. Hence I am led to the conjecture that the Higgs mechanism comes into effect at the event horizon of the white hole. Inside the white hole the particles have no mass outside and back into the universe particles gain mass by way of the Higgs mechanism.
My hypothesis ultimately builds upon the whole idea of how spacetime manifolds become entrapped such that child universes inflate inside the spatial volume of the parent universe. But what does that physically mean and why is it so? In seeing how the Higgs mechanism turns on at the event horizon of the white hole, at the very border where a child universe and a new region of entrapment begins then opens up a window into being able to answer this question. One thought, comes in thinking about how the true ground state is the ground state of the Superverse and the Higgs field is the raising of this ground state by way of being throttled and sling-shot through the ringularity. The idea that the Higgs ground state returning back to its original lower ground state is known as the Big Rip. Certainly, a subject for another podcast but to say this is one of the key areas of thought that I find myself meditating upon. [23]
Where are all the White Holes?
Another important point to note is that there can ever only be one white hole per universe and that is the one that birthed it. The white holes that give birth to subsequent subverses are themselves hidden from the parent universe by the associated black holes. Meaning this is the reason why we find a universe full of black holes but on the other hand we have never seen a single white hole. And the white hole that birthed us is beyond the observable cosmic horizon on the other side of the Eridanus Supervoid.
Now as mentioned, our universe is born in the very moments as the rotational black hole is born. The in falling matter and plasma from the two Super neutron stars then falls through the black hole’s centre and up and out into either of the two newly born universes. Driven by the flow of spacetime the extremely dense and hot matter, like a volcano, erupts into our universe driving the process of inflating these two entrapped balloon manifolds, one of which is our newly born universe.
Why is the universe homogeneous and isotropic? (Part 2) Spherical Expansion
Being like a volcano erupting the overall direction of travel of the mass in the universe is unidirectional. Up and away from the northern polar region of the newly born rotational black hole of the Superverse. This entire unidirectional movement as a whole we in turn see reflected in the CMB Dipole, Quasar Dipole and Spin Asymmetry Dipole maps.
However the expansion of our universe is constrained. Just like our universe has a speed limit, the speed of light, the Superverse has a speed of light limit too. So the fastest rate our universe can expand is equal to the Superverse’s speed of light limit. It is this constraint coupled with the thermodynamic expansion of the quark gluon plasma as it cools down into baryonic matter that causes our universe to expand outwards with spherical symmetry.
It is precisely because of this fact that the expansion of any child universe being constrained by the parent universe’s speed of light limit that causes the very early child universe to expand with spherical symmetry. This is the fundamental reason why our universe is so homogeneous and isotropic because of this speed constraint of the surrounding parent universe.
A Flat but Entrapped Expansion
Yet another extremely important point is to note the shape of the Superverse in the region surrounding the Big Bang Kilonova event. Like a binary neutron star merger inside our universe the volume surrounding the merger is naught but the vacuum of space. As the vacuum of space contains no mass the shape of the surrounding fabric of spacetime is itself flat. Meaning the shape of the Superverse’s space that our universe is expanding into is itself flat. This is the fundamental reason why cosmologists see that we are living inside a flat universe as measured from the CMB data. Although it is important to note that the Planck CMB data tell us that we are living in a closed, entrapped, universe that is actually expanding into the flat nothingness of the surrounding Superverse. [24] [25]
The entire purpose of Cosmic Inflation theory is to work as a mathematical symphony, by way of the theoretical inflationary field, in order to explain how we came to live in a flat universe. But in doing so it fails to even attempt to answer the question “Why is our universe homogeneous and isotropic?”. Against the power of the Philosopher’s Stone I do find Cosmic Inflation theory somewhat lacking. And that’s even before I start ranting about the fiction theoretical cosmologists have cooked up in talking about getting mass and energy from nothing.
Formation of the CMB Large Scale Anisotropies
But our universe is not fully isotropic as we’ve seen from the large scale CMB anisotropies. But rather these anisotropies are here for the same reason we measure a flat universe on the CMB. The shape of the Superverse outwards from the Big Bang Kilonova is flat but the kilonova itself has a pair of twin spiral gravitational waves.
Although we’ve mentioned the parent universe’s speed of light constraint on the expansion of the very early universe there is another constraint stopping the expansion of our universe in a downwards direction. That other constraint is our twin parallel universe of antimatter. As our universe expands up and out from the north pole our parallel universe of antimatter is expanding from the south pole and both are being driven by the same inflationary process. But as each universe is effectively the dipole opposite to the other leads me to conclude that they would repel away from the one another. But the matter and anti-matter would not mix as each is casually entrapped by the physical electron field of the Superverse.
But in the moments proceeding the birth of our universe, as it is inflated by the quark-gluon plasma and fragments of the Super neutron stars, the two child universes grow in all directions until they collide at the equatorial. But the spacetime curvature at the equatorial position is warped by the aforementioned gravitational waves. Each wave, I would speculate, has the opposite phase with respect to the other. So for one spiral wave the curvature followed by our universe would be down into the wave and for the other the curvature would be up indenting into the curvature of our universe.
So for the first spiral wave’s curvature our universe follows it down in to the wave causing a new volume of expansion to open up. That volume being inside the volume of the Super gravitational wave of the Big Bang Kilonova event. And remember to go ahead and smash that like button and subscribe to continue listening to this lunatic that actually dreamt up this entire solution.
The new volume inside the wave, like everywhere else being a homogeneous expansion, fills up with primordial plasma and fragments from the Philosopher Stone, the two Super neutron stars. Hence we get the first spiral arm of the CMB anisotropy the hot arm filled with the plasma. Our parallel twin universe on the other hand, for this arm, is pushed or warped around the curvature of this Super gravitational wave. Thus it would become a cold arm inside our parallel twin universe.
With respect to the other spiral Super gravitational wave the curvature our universe follows is in an upwards direction creating a trough indentation into our very early universe. So effectively, doing the polar opposite of the hot arm. This indentation into our universe pushes matter away. Thus this will become a region filled with less matter making it appear respectively cooler, or the cold spiral arm of the CMB.
As each of the two newly born universes of the Superverse repel one another the curvature inside the universe flattens back out as the gravitational waves recede. But the imprint remains as one spiral region has filled up with plasma and one spiral region has been made void of plasma. Thus we get the large scale anisotropies of the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation.
Then in comparison we look at the orientation of both Planck’s final high resolution map of the CMB and the CMB Dipole. The universe is moving as one from the southern hemisphere, where the spiral indentation of the kilonova is, towards the northern hemisphere. Meaning both the orientation and direction of the two maps align with each other.
Rinse and Repeat, Early Galaxy Formation
Now coming back to those fragments of the Super neutron star. Given that fractal geometry is the cosmological principle and that self-similar patterns repeat themselves irrespective of scale let us repeat the same logic. As mentioned these fragments of the Super neutron star, having just been throttled through the ringularity, are to us Super massive black holes. Having just been ejected from the Superverse and into our universe they are surrounded and bathed in primordial plasma. So, what do you think happens? They feed and in turn give birth to subverses inside our own universe.
Following the exact same pattern they feed upon the surrounding plasma drawing it in. The streamlines of the plasma flow into the rotating Super massive black hole along the plane of the equatorial creates primordial accretion discs. As the pair of subverses of a given Super massive black hole grow they too push down on each other as they grow and expand following the same speed of light constraint. This constraint causes the same hemispherical subverses to grow all the while flattening the accretion disc of the plasma sandwiched in between the two subverses.
Thus I would predict that the early universe, about 300,000 years after the Big Bang, would be full of spiral and lenticular shaped spiral galaxies each surrounded by a halo of dark matter which are the two subverses. In fact, using the existing CMB models versus the CMB power spectrum I would expect that 63% of the primordial plasma had been swallowed and turned into dark matter subverses to be precise given 11-years of WMAP data. [26]
I would like to also predict the large number of spiral and lenticular galaxies in the early universe but given that on my other screen is a news report not half an hour old with the headline “These JWST Galaxies, break major models”. I do find yet again reality seems to have a funny way of beating me to the punchline. On the other hand I cannot stop laughing.
Though for some reason I just can’t get that Beyonce song “Put a ring on it” out of my head.
Maybe too much talk of Philosopher Stones, Gold and Ringularities.
I would like to stay and play genius physicists bingo in stamping out how many fundamental questions did I just answer with one explanation but man its late and I’m off to bed having felt I’ve done a good day’s work and a worthy day not at all wasted.
Anyway until next time.
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